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Ulike metoder for å stimulere deklorering av DDT i sedimenter er undersøkt; ex-situ behandling av oppgravde masser i biopiles (hauger), in-situ behandling for strandkantmaterialer (in-situ land) og under vann (in-situ vann). Behandlingene ble optimalisert for å oppnå reduserende forhold og for å stimulere reduktiv omdanning av DDT til DDD. Under behandlingsforhold i dette prosjektet, var 30 ukers behandlingstid for kort tid til å bekrefte omdanning av DDT, kun trender ble observert. Kombinasjonen innstråling og plastdekke viste at en kan opprettholde en temperatur på 25-30°C i store deler av ranken ved lufttemperaturer rundt 10°C. Disse temperaturene er funnet gunstige for nedbryting av DDT. Også ved synkende lufttemperatur opprettholdes en temperatur høy nok til å stimulere nedbrytning. Underlag med 5 cm isopor hadde god evne til å hindre reduksjon i jordtemperaturen i nedre lag av jordmassene i ranken. Ulike tilsetningsmaterialer for å skape anaerobe forhold ble sammenlignet. Kumøkk og potetrev (biprodukt fra potetindustrien) gav størst reduksjon i oksygennivå


Most (all?) equipment waste timber by turning 10% of valuable solid wood into sawdust and allowance. The presentation discusses the problem and suggests a technology project to splitting blocks of modest size with new, strong materials for thin kerfs and optimised in yield and product quality rather than in speed.


Most phenomena in ecosystem research are assessed via repeated measurements of environmental variables. The dynamics of these time series is investigated with a variety of statistical techniques; in this article, we focus on modern nonlinear methods. They enable separation of short- and long-term components, show all types of trends and quantify the information contained and the complexity of the data sets.


The aim of this three-year study (2001"2003) was to optimize fungicide application against anthracnose (Colletotrichum acutatum) in sweet and sour cherry orchards. The experimental sprays were applied to trees receiving normal fungicide programmes (grower schedule), although without the use of dithianon, except for the first year where only the experimental applications were applied to the sour cherry trees. Fungicide treatments were applied with either dithianon or copperoxychloride added prior to flowering or with dithianon added after flowering. Spraying with dithianon or copperoxychloride prior to flowering did not significantly reduce anthracnose compared to untreated. Two applications with dithianon during the green fruit stage (from petal fall and during the following 3"4 weeks) greatly reduced anthracnose at harvest. Three applications on green fruit did not reduce disease more than two applications. In sweet cherries, two sprays with dithianon at the green fruit stage in addition to the grower schedule reduced anthracnose at harvest from 14% to 3% in 2002 and from 15% to 1% the following year. In 2001, when very few fruit developed anthracnose, no treatment effects were evident. Treatments on green sour cherry fruit similar to those on sweet cherries reduced the attack of anthracnose from 85% to 42% in 2002 and from 51% to 12% the following year. In 2001, no treatment included only sprays on green fruit. However, one treatment, which included copperoxychloride at bud burst, one application of dithianon during flowering and two applications on green fruits, reduced anthracnose from 27% to 9%. Based on these results, cherry growers are recommended to spray twice with dithianon on green fruit if they have a history of anthracnose in their orchards.

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Timoteisortane ‘Engmo’, ‘Vega’ og ‘Noreng’ og foredlingslinjene ‘GpTi8905’, ‘LøTi8801’ og ‘LøTi9001’ er testa i reinbestand på åtte felt i Nord-Noreg og i fjellbygdene på Austlandet i tidsrommet 1999-2005. Alle sortane viste seg å vera tilstrekkeleg hardføre i prøvetida. Det var ikkje sikker forskjell mellom sortar i avling i førsteslåtten, medan ‘Vega’ og ‘Noreng’ hadde størst gjenvekst. Det var liten forskjell i fordøyelegheit mellom sortane. Fiberkvaliteten målt på NIRS kalibrert etter totalt ufordøyeleg NDF målt med in sacco-metoden var dårlegast hos ‘Vega’. ‘Noreng’ hadde bra fiberkvalitet, men lågare innhald av vassløyseleg karbohydrat enn ‘Engmo’. Forsøket viser at forskjellen mellom nordlege sortar og foredlingslinjer av timotei er liten, og at det derfor bør vera nok med ein nordleg sort i marknaden.


Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) has a natural distribution in the northern parts of Europe and Asia and is economically the most important tree species grown in the Nordic countries. A common threat to Norway spruce is the basidiomyceteous fungus Heterobasidion parviporum Niemelä and Korhonen. H. parviporum mainly attacks Norway spruce, although Siberian fir (Abies sibirica Ledeb.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) occasionally get infected. One obstacle to studying host/pathogen interaction in conifers has been the limited availability of mature clones for controlled inoculations, as genetic variation within the host material and the lack of replicates complicate interpretation of the results. Somatic embryogenesis, rooted cuttings, and tissue cultures may provide solutions for this problem. Tissue cultures from mature Norway spruce trees have been proposed as a possible model system for assessing resistance toward fungal pathogens. Recent data on chitinase isoform activity in the Norway spruce/H. parviporum pathosystem are encouraging; clonal variation was observed in the isoforms affected by inoculation, and the isoforms showing increased band intensity following bark inoculation by H. parviporum were also induced in the inoculated tissue cultures of the corresponding clones. To investigate the biological relevance of tissue cultures in host-pathogen interaction studies, transcript levels of selected host and pathogen genes in tissue cultures of Norway spruce were compared to those in bark of 33-year-old ramets of the same clones upon challenge by the pathogenic fungus H. parviporum. Similar transcript profiles of the pathogen and host genes were observed in both tissues, this supporting the use of tissue cultures as experimental material for the pathosystem. Higher transcript levels of the host genes phenylalanine ammonia lyase, peroxidase, and glutathione-S-transferase were observed in the more resistant clone #589 than in the less resistant clone #409 during the early stages of colonization. The most striking difference between the spruce clones was related to gene transcript levels of a class IV chitinase, which showed a continuous increase in clone #409 over the experimental period, with a possible association of this gene product to programmed cell death. Several of the fungal genes assayed were differentially expressed during colonization, including putative glutathione-S-transferases, laccase, cellulase, cytochrome P450 and superoxide dismutase genes. The transcriptional responses suggest an important role for the antioxidant systems of both organisms.


Denne artikklen gir en oversikt over utviklinga arealer og avlingsnivå i norsk frøavl de siste ti åra. Framtidige forskingsoppgaver blir diskutert.


I slutten av august 2006 vart det funne omfattande skade på blad av hestekastanje (Aesculus hippocastanum) ved fleire lokalitetar på Austlandet. Skadane skuldast bladflekksoppen Guignardia aesculi og mjøldoggsoppen Erysiphe flexuosa.


På ettersommaren 2006, vart det funne to nye soppsjukdomar i norske grøntanlegg. Den eine sjukdomen var mjøldogg (Microsphaera syringae syn. Erysiphe syringae) på syrin ved fleire lokalitetar i Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud og Telemark. Den andre var Guignardia aesculi  ("leaf blotch" på engelsk) på blad av hestekastanje i Horten, Tønsberg og Sandefjord. Byrjande angrep vart også registrert i planteskulen ved UMB på Ås.