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The commercial farming of Kappaphycus alvarezii in Indian waters has provided diversifying livelihood to the low-income artisanal fishermen for last 15 years. The sector has got commercial setback due to mass mortality of germplasm during 2013 – 2014. But considering its potential to provide inclusive economic growth in coastal rural settings, the government has renewed its interest in this activity. At the cusp of the strategic expansion of the seaweed sector understanding biosecurity risks, strategies and enforcement of framework is pivotal in reducing the impact of disease outbreaks, epiphytic infestations and pest attacks. The key category aspects include identification of the risks, evaluate the national health management for seaweed aquaculture, and providing potential biosecurity strategy for expanding commercial farming operations. Additionally we also enlisted the biosecurity strategy from other eucheumatoid-producing countries and nations involved in seaweed aquaculture for comparison. In-spite of advancements in science and technology, particularly in seaweed application-based solutions, health management and seaweed aquaculture biosecurity, still remain in their infancy in India. The analysis revealed that there is a complete absence of a national database of diseases, epiphytes, and grazers outbreak. Further limited clarity on a legal administrative procedures for the import of seaweed germplasm for commercial exploitation and its subsequent quarantine is a critical biosecurity risk. There is an urgent need to invest considerably in research and development related to the biosecurity of seaweeds. The rapid internet based technological development could be effectively utilised in disease reporting as well as developing farmer centric syndromic surveillance. The strengthening of regulatory frameworks and policy should be given the highest priority, as application of biosecurity has indirect effects in domains such as products development, food security, agriculture productivity, economic growth and potential regulatory ecosystem services.

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Lillestrøm kommune ga NIBIO i oppdrag å utarbeide digitale temakart over egenskaper og verdier som ligger i kommunenes blå og grønne arealer. Intensjonen med prosjektet var å gi et bedre og lettere tilgjengelig kunnskapsgrunnlag om de blå og grønne verdiene i kommunen. Kartlagene skal sammenstille kunnskap om de ulike verdiene blå og grønne arealer innehar for klimautslipp, klimatilpasning og naturmangfold. I dette arbeidet er det også redegjort for hvilken rolle kart har i arealplanlegging og hvilke krav som stilles til kunnskapsgrunnlaget, samt hvordan informasjonsgrunnlaget kan brukes i ulike planfaser. Rapporten dokumenterer innholdet i kartgrunnlaget som er levert og hvordan vi mener den kan brukes i arealplanlegging.