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Bær inneholder en rekke verdifulle stoffer og flere har påvist at ekstrakter av bær har en helsefremmende effekt. Samtidig er det studier som viser at de aktive stoffene i bærekstraktene er vanskelig for kroppen å ta opp gjennom fordøyelsessystemet. Det gjenstår derfor mye forskning for å forstå hvordan bær i dietten påvirker helsa vår. I tillegg til antioksidanter innholder bær en mengde ukjente molekyler som kan ha kommersiell betydning for framstilling av blant annet medisiner og kosmetikk.


Plant polyphenolics continue to be the focus of attention with regard to their putative impact on human health. An increasing and ageing human population means that the focus on nutrition and nutritional enhancement or optimization of our foodstuffs is paramount. Using raspberry as a model we have shown how modern metabolic profiling approaches can be used to identify the changes in the level of beneficial polyphenolics in fruit breeding segregating populations and how the level of these components are determined by genetic and/or environmental control. Interestingly the Vitamin C content appeared to be significantly influenced by environment (growth conditions) whilst the content of the polyphenols such as cyanidin, pelargonidin and quercetin glycosides appeared to much more tightly regulated suggesting a rigorous genetic control. Preliminary metabolic profiling showed that the fruit polyphenolic profiles divided into two gross groups segregating on the basis of relative levels of cyaniding-3-sophoroside and cyaniding-3-rutinoside, compounds implicated as conferring human health benefits.


Plant polyphenolics continue to be the focus of attention with regard to their putative impact on human health. An increasing and ageing human population means that the focus on nutrition and nutritional enhancement or optimisation of our foodstuffs is paramount. Using the raspberry as a model, we have shown how modern metabolic profiling approaches can be used to identify the changes in the level of beneficial polyphenolics in fruit breeding segregating populations and how the level of these components is determined by genetic and/or environmental control. Interestingly, the vitamin C content appeared to be significantly influenced by environment (growth conditions) whilst the content of the polyphenols such as cyanidin, pelargonidin and quercetin glycosides appeared much more tightly regulated, suggesting a rigorous genetic control. Preliminary metabolic profiling showed that the fruit polyphenolic profiles divided into two gross groups segregating on the basis of relative levels of cyanidin-3-sophoroside and cyanidin-3-rutinoside, compounds implicated as conferring human health benefits.


Bringebær (Rubus idaeus) og molte (R. chamaemorus) er nære slektninger i Rubus familien. Rød bringebær er et økonomisk viktig bærslag, og det finnes mange ulike sorter. Av molte finnes det derimot bare fire kommersielt tilgjengelige sorter. Disse sortene er kloner selektert fra frøpopulasjoner. Det er en økende interesse for bær i dagens marked. Bær inneholder store mengder antioksidanter og anbefales som en del av den daglige dietten. Sorter av bær foredlet med hensyn på økt kvalitet er derfor av stor interesse.


Foredraget ga en oversikt over arbeidet med foredling og kultivering av molte i Norge. Nåværende prosjekt på blåbær, molte og bringebær ble også presentert.


Supporting for the beneficial health effects of fruit is accruing apace. A subdivision of fruit, the berries, are increasingly becoming the focus of studies regarding their proposed ability to prevent or ameliorate the problems of degenerative diseases(McDougall et al, 2005; McDougall and Stewart, 2005) With respect to berries there has, over the last decade, been a groundswell of reports attributing beneficial biological activity to the fruit phenolics. The predominant approach in these studies is that of well defined in vitro systems employing mammalian cell models systems, such as Hela, Caco2 , HT29, Hep G2, etc to study absorption, anticancer, metabolism effects etc (Coates et al 2007; Ross et al, 2007). However, the direct translation of the benefits reported in these in vitro studies to in vivo results have lagged behind and are only now gathering pace. For example there are several intervention studies published highlighting or attributing their beneficial effects (albeit sometimes marginal) with regard to markers of colon and oesophageal cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc to the polyphenolic components in fruit. In addition, there are several major intervention trials either ongoing or planned and their focus is on fruit such as strawberry (cholesterol lowering), pomegranate (prostate cancer), blueberry (inflammation) and blackcurrant (CVD). This positive evidence with respect to the efficacy of fruit in the diet as a potential strategy to prevent, or at least retard, chronic and/or degenerative disease is leading to enhanced nutritive value now becoming a major target for plant breeders. However the lack of clarity as to the actual target means that breeding is not straight forward. Due to the chemical diversity of fruit, and specifically in berries, newer screening approaches have been adopted; metabolomics - LC-MSn, GC-ToF-MSn NMR etc. (Stewart et al 2007). We will discus how these approaches are being used in fruit breeding to study the inheritance of multiple silent phenotypes (chemotypes) in concert with map-based genetic approaches with a view to nutritional enhancement.


Markedet for ville bær er økende. Ulike videreforedlingsbedrifter fra inn- og utland ønsker store volum. Mange av disse har også fokus på kvalitet og opprinnelse. Hvordan kan vi utnytte ressurs - ene vi har, og hvordan kan høsting og videreforedling av ville bær bli lønnsom?

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Høsten 2006 ble det satt i gang en spørreundersøkelse for å kartlegge flaskehalser i økologisk landbruk i Nord-Norge, samt synliggjøre årsakene til at ikke flere legger om. Spørreundersøkelsen gikk ut til både Debio-godkjente gårdsbruk, tidligere Debio-godkjente gårdsbruk, samt konvensjonelle gårdsbruk i de tre nordligste fylkene. Der økologiske bønder framhever flaskehalser forbundet med eksterne forhold (ytre rammebetingelser og sosiale forhold/rådgivning), framhever konvensjonelle bønder flaskehalser knyttet til drift på det enkelte bruk.

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I perioden 2002-2006 var det i Nordland fylke flere som meldte seg ut av Debio-ordningen som økologiske bruk enn som meldte seg inn. Trenden en den samme for Troms og Finnmark. Samtidig er Nord-Norge langt fra målet som Regjeringen har satt for økologisk landbruk.