Hugh Riley

Research Scientist (OAP Agreement)

(+47) 936 13 215


Visiting address
Nylinna 226, 2849 Kapp

To document


The effectiveness of mechanical subsoiling for alleviating subsoil compaction is controversially discussed, particularly due to the sensitivity of mechanically loosened soils towards re-compaction. In order to improve the alleviation potential by subsoiling it was hypothesized that the loss of soil stability by mechanical subsoiling of compacted soils can be reduced by top and subsoil liming. The primary objective was to evaluate whether (a) mechanical subsoiling (to a depth of 35 cm with a subsoiler or a plough with a pan-breaker) could alleviate compaction in a clayey Stagnosol and (b) whether liming could stabilize soil structure to minimize re-compaction. Undisturbed soil samples were collected to assess physical properties in both "compacted", "subsoiled", and "limed", as well as in untreated plots. The Compaction Verification Tool (CVT) identified potentially harmful soil compaction in the subsoil. The results showed that wheeling increased the extent of harmful subsoil compaction (from 8% to 33%) in the first year, which was accompanied with a reduction in crop yields. Subsoiling with a pan-breaker combined with high liming intensity improved soil physical properties and yields and may have mitigated re-compaction in the loosened subsoil. Nevertheless, it is expected to be not economically viable on the studied clay soil.


Carbon content is a key property of soils with importance for all ecosystem functions. Measures to increase soil carbon storage are suggested with the aim to compensate for agricultural emissions. In Norway, where soils have relatively high carbon content because of the cold climate, adapting management practices that prevent the loss of carbon to the atmosphere in response to climate change is also important. This work presents an overview of the potential for carbon sequestration in Norway from a wide range of agricultural management practices and provides recommendations based on certainty in the reported potential, availability of the technology, and likelihood for implementation by farmers. In light of the high priority assigned to increased food production and degree of self-sufficiency in Norway, the following measures were considered: (1) utilization of organic resources, (2) use of biochar, (3) crop diversification and the use of cover crops, (4) use of plants with larger and deeper root systems, (5) improved management of meadows, (6) adaptive grazing of productive grasslands (7) managing grazing in extensive grasslands, (8) altered tillage practices, and (9) inversion of cultivated peat with mineral soil. From the options assessed, the use of cover crops scored well on all criteria evaluated, with a higher sequestration potential than previously estimated (0.2 Mt CO2-equivalents annually). Biochar has the largest potential in Norway (0.9 Mt CO2-equivalents annually, corresponding to 20% of Norwegian agricultural emissions and 2% of total national emissions), but its readiness level is not yet achieved despite interest from industry to apply this technology at large scale. Extensive grazing and the use of deep-rooted plants also have the potential for increasing carbon storage, but there is uncertainty regarding their implementation and the quantification of effects from adapting these measures. Based on the complexities of implementation and the expected impacts within a Norwegian context, promising options with substantial payoff are few. This work sheds light on the knowledge gaps remaining before the presented measures can be implemented.

To document


Renewable energy in the form of biogas can be produced by anaerobic digestion (AD) of animal manure. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on the long-term effects of AD-treated manure on soil characteristics and crop productivity, compared with untreated manure. A field experiment was established in a perennial grass-clover ley in 2011 to study the effects on important soil and crop characteristics when the slurry from a herd of organically managed dairy cows is anaerobically digested. While the rate of manure application affected soil concentrations of extractable nutrients and pH, these variables were unaffected by AD. Soil organic matter (SOM) concentrations decreased in all plots and faster on the plots with high intrinsic SOM. The decrease was similar with application of untreated (non-digested) slurry (US) and anaerobically digested slurry (ADS), and it was not affected by application rates. The general decline may be explained by the initial high SOM content, the long-term effect of drainage, and higher temperatures with climatic change. US and ADS gave similar yields of grass-clover ley (2 cuts/year) and green fodder, on average 0.79 and 0.40 kg DM m−2, respectively. Clover yield was similar in manured treatments and the non-fertilized control. With respect to crop yields and chemical soil characteristics, long-term (10 years) effects of AD in an organic dairy cow farming system seem to be minor. The benefits of extracting energy from the slurry did not compromise grassland productivity or soil quality in the long term.