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Omsetning av karbon (C) og nitrogen (N) som kommer fra planterester, fangvekster og grønngjødslingsvekster har fått mye oppmerksomhet, både fra et miljømessig og et agronomisk ståsted. Det har tidligere blitt vist at C- og N-innholdet i fraksjoner resulterende fra en stegvis, kjemisk ekstraksjon av plantematerialer utgjør en adekvat basis for en a priori beskrivelse av nedbryteligheten av C og N i jord. Analysen er imidlertid kostbar, og derfor lite egnet til rutinemessig bruk . Målet med dette arbeidet var å utvikle nær-infrarøde kalibreringer for C og N fraksjoner som regulerer nedbrytningsforløpet. Innenfor de Nordiske landene ble det samlet et meget sammensatt plantemateriale, som dekker de fleste plantedeler, både grønne og modne,  som normalt inkorporeres i jordbruksjord under tempererte forhold. De spesifikke oppgavene ved den foreliggende undersøkelsen var 1) å lage NIR-kalibreringer ut fra C og N fraksjonene fra en stegvis, kjemisk ekstraksjon, 2) å validere disse kalibreringene på uavhengige planteprøver, og 3) å sammenligne presisjon og robusthet ved kalibreringene basert på et sammensatt plantemateriale med kalibreringer basert på et plantemateriale med midre variasjon i kvaliteten.


This study presents empirical insight into organic and conventional cash crop farmers" perceptions of risk and risk management strategies, and identifies socio-economic variables linked to these perceptions. The data originate from a questionnaire survey of farmers in Norway. The results indicate that organic farmers perceived themselves to be less risk averse than conventional farmers. For both groups, crop prices and yield variability were the two top rated sources of risk, followed by institutional risks. The two groups evaluated risk management strategies quite similarly; favoured strategies were good liquidity and to prevent and reduce crop diseases and pests. The farmers" evaluation of sources of risk and choice of risk strategies depended on various socio-economic variables. The importance of institutional risks implies that policy makers should be cautious about changing policy capriciously and they should consider strategic policy initiatives that give farmers more long-term reliability.



Dyrkingssystemforsøket ble anlagt i 1989 med mål om å utvikle dyrkingsmetoder som gir: minst mulig avrenning av næringssalter og plantevernmidler, sunne produkter med optimal næringsverdi og tilfredsstillende avlinger og økonomi. Avlings- og avrenningsresultater for årene 2000-02 blir her presentert. Avlingsforskjellene mellom økologisk dyrket korn og konvensjonelt dyrket korn var større enn tilsvarende for eng. Økologisk kornproduksjon uten tilgang på husdyrgjødsel ga dårligere avlinger enn tilsvarende med bruk av husdyrgjødsel. · For potet var det ingen forskjell verken på avling eller kvalitet om jordarbeiding var grundig vårharving (OPT0-) eller høstpløying (REF0-). · Samlet produksjon (FEm/daa) var på samme nivå for alle dyrkingssystemene med unntak av ØKO25- som lå omlag 65% lavere. Dette illustrerer først og fremst "kostnaden" ØKO25- har ved å bruke 25% av arealet til produksjon av "grønn gjødsel" (her kløvereng). · Høstpløying etterfulgt av mildvær og regn gir svært stor N-utvasking. I løpet av månedene oktober-desember 2000 ble det målt til sammen 3,9 kg N/daa i grøftevannet fra det høstpløyde referansebruket. Det var en klar sammenheng mellom jorderosjon og tap av total-P. Det ser ut til å være en positiv effekt av redusert jordarbeiding på P-utvasking også i år med lite erosjon. Overvintrende eng øker risikoen for P-tap. For dyrkingssystemene med 50% eng og mer var det en tendens til større tap av total-P, og spesielt fosfattapet var større her enn fra de andre systemene. · OPT50+ og ØKO75+ hadde størst produksjon (FEm) per enhet N tapt via grøfte- og overflatevann. Eng i omløpet var en klar fordel her, siden eng har stor produksjonsevne, og fungerer samtidig som en effektiv fangvekst utover høsten, slik at risikoen for N-utvasking reduseres. ØKO25- hadde dårligst forhold mellom produksjon og målt N-tap. Dette var først og fremst på grunn av betydelig mindre høstet avling, da 25% av arealet er satt av til grønngjødsling.


Nitrate leaching is often low from grasslands, primarily due to the long period of N uptake compared to arable crops. In the present paper we explore the combined effects of N input regime, soil type and climatic conditions through a combination of field lysimeter studies and simulation modelling of temporary grassland. A lysimeter consisting of eight 10´4´1 m individually drained cells was constructed in SW Norway, a region with a cool and wet marine climate. Six cells were filled with silty sand and two cells with coarse sand. The lysimeters were cropped first with barley for two years, followed by five years of grassland. Treatments included various combinations of N input (fertilizer, manure or both), and the results were analyzed by means of two coupled dynamic simulation models (CoupModel: a heat- and water transport model, SOILN_NO: a soil nitrogen model). The models were further used to assess a scenario with a more continental climate (somewhat cooler and dryer). All treatments resulted in a net export of N, with N amounts removed by harvest ranging between 121 and 139% of that applied. Measured N yield from the treatment receiving manure only was almost as high as that from the treatment receiving fertilizer only, even though it received on average about 80 kg ha-1 less inorganic N for which possible explanations are discussed. Nitrogen losses through leaching were in the range of 5-23% of the N input, and soil type had a greater effect than source of N input. The inorganic N fraction of the leachate was 71-82% of the total N, and 98% of this was nitrate. The models gave reasonable simulation of N yields as well as of the timing and magnitude of nitrate leaching from the different treatments. They also clearly illustrated the importance of plant uptake of N in early spring and late autumn, in order to reduce the risk of nitrate leaching. The scenario using weather data from a cooler and dryer region showed a large decline in plant uptake of N outside the main cropping season, but simulated nitrate leaching was nevertheless significantly lower. With this scenario, precipitation was only 50% of that at the actual experimental site, and the lower temperatures during autumn and winter reduced net mineralization of soil organic N significantly. Thus, the reduction in precipitation and net mineralization of soil organic N apparently more than outweighed the effects of shorter growing season in the continental climate sc.


.Precision agriculture (PA) may be defined as using the best available technologies to tailor soil and crop management to fit the specific conditions found within an agricultural field or tract (Johannsen, 2001). Knowledge about soil variation within fields is thus a prerequisite for optimum PA. The use of sensors which measure electrical conductivity (EC) has been introduced as a promising way of mapping within-field variation in soil properties. In this paper we present relationships found between EC and both clay content and ignition loss (SOM) of some morainic loam soils in SE Norway. Measurements of EC at Møystad (60°47"N, 11°10"E, altitude ca.150 m) correlated well with clay content. Despite the rather narrow range of clay content at Møystad (11-17%), EC measurements accounted for about 70% of the variation. The use of EM38 in the horizontal position gave the best prediction in the upper two layers, whereas measurements in the vertical position fitted best to data from the deepest layer (40-60 cm). This is reasonable, since the instrument has its deepest range in the vertical position. Ignition loss in the upper layer was 5-8% at Møystad. There was no significant relation between EC and ignition loss in the upper layer, when EC was measured with EM38 in the vertical position. When EC was measured horizontally, about 24% of the variation in ignition loss was reflected by the EC of the soil. One should, however, take into account that ignition loss and clay content were positively correlated with each other (r=0.382), so that the result may in fact have been due to variation in clay content. We also measured EC at Kise Research Station (60°46"N, 10°48"E, altitude ca.130 m), where we selected five points across a field with a particularly large gradient in ignition loss. Here EC correlated positively with clay content, but this was not statistically significant (R2=0.576, p=0.137). With ignition loss, however, EC showed a strong positive correlation (R2=0.878, p=0.019). Inclusion of both clay content and ignition loss in a two-predictor regression model, with EC as the dependent variable, showed that the conductivity measurements depended almost completely on clay content and ignition loss for the selected points at Kise (R2=0.981, p=0.019). However, the predictors were positively intercorrelated here as well (r=0.517), which may make the statistical approach questionable. We also admit that the number of data points was very low. Nevertheless, the results clearly illustrate the potential of EC measurements for mapping soil variation.


.Dense datasets are required to describe within field variation precisely. Sensor techniques appear to be promising to reduce labour, time and costs compared to traditional methods of sampling and analysis. Relationships found between soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) and available N, pH and soil moisture under spring barley on morainic loam in SE Norway are presented. Measurements were conducted in a 160 m long field trial, established in barley in 2002 at Kise Research Station (60°46"N, 10°48"E, 130 masl). The trial had 20 replicate blocks containing five N-level treatments (0, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1, given as calcium ammonium nitrate). Each plot was 1.5 x 8 m. Soil samples were taken from all five treatments in three selected blocks at 0-15 cm depth, shortly before fertilizing/sowing (10.05.02) and then at two week intervals until the beginning of July (23.05, 06.06, 20.06 and 04.07). Analyses comprised nitrate-N, ammonium-N, pH and water content. At each sampling, ECa was measured in the same plots, using a magnetic dipole soil conductivity meter (EM38, Geonics Ltd., Canada). The device was operated manually in both horizontal (EMh) and vertical (EMv) modes. Linear regressions showed that both EMh and EMv correlated well with the measured variables. All the relations were significant (p



Economical and ecological criteria for optimal N fertilization are inherently in conflict, largely due to lack of precise predictions of nitrogen availability as a function of agronomic practice and weather conditions. This problem is particularly pronounced in organic farming, where plant N supply depends on microbial mineralization of organic N such as `green manure". In the present paper, N dynamics after incorporation of a mixture of a green manure material (undersown white clover) and barley straw was investigated in laboratory and field experiments. Nitrogen flows in the soil-plant system were further analyzed with simulation models (COUP: heat- and water transport model, SOILN_NO: soil nitrogen model). Our laboratory experiments showed that the incorporation of a mixture of N-rich white clover material and N-poor barley straw created a transient accumulation of clover derived inorganic N during the first period. Thereafter, microbial N demand during straw C utilization resulted in net immobilization of most of the clover derived inorganic N. As a consequence, the synchronization between net N mineralization and plant N uptake would be better by spring- than autumn incorporation. This was largely confirmed both by measurements and simulations. However, the expected benefit of spring incorporation (ploughing) was counteracted by a large loss (36%) of clover material due to freeze/thaw damage and subsequent surface runoff during the winter. Such winter loss is likely to be a rare phenomenon, however. The results supported our hypothesis that net inorganic N accumulation due to degradation of a clover-straw mixture is transient and that spring incorporation of undersown clover gives a better coincidence of N availability and N uptake by a subsequent crop than does autumn incorporation. Model scenarios showed that ploughing as late as possible in autumn appears to be a good alternative to spring ploughing with regard to N leaching, but early autumn ploughing should be avoided. The study shows that the timing of agronomic operations are important, not only for determining the fraction of inorganic N lost by leaching, but also for the fraction assimilated by microorganisms. In effect, the plants and the microorganisms compete for the same nitrogen, and the success of the plants depend on a proper synchronization.


Presisjonsjordbruk kan defineres som det å bruke den beste, tilgjengelige teknologien til å skreddersy behandlingen av jord og vekst til spesifikke forhold funnet innenfor et jorde. Hvor en tidligere ofte har betraktet et jorde som en homogen enhet, i hvert fall i praksis (lik behandling), ønsker en ved presisjonsjordbruk altså å ta hensyn til den variasjonen som finnes innefor jordet. Formålet med dette er å utnytte ressursene best mulig; øke det økonomiske utbyttet for bonden og redusere miljøbelastningen fra jordbruket. Kunnskap om jordvariasjonen innenfor hver enkelt jorde er en viktig forutsetning for optimalt presisjonsjordbruk. Som en del av et samarbeidsprosjekt Planteforsk-Jordforsk har vi derfor gått til anskaffelse av et instrument som kan brukes til å kartlegge jordvariasjon på en effektiv måte. Instrumentet heter EM38 og erfaringer fra høstens målinger blir presentert her. Elektrisk ledningsevne korrelerer godt med leirinnholdet på morenejord. Ledningsevne og glødetap er også korrelert, men først og fremst der det er stor spredning i moldinnhold. Måling med EM38 i horisontal stilling virker mest lovende for kartlegging av matjordsjiktet.