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Norwegian goat milk production is based on summer grazing on diverse forest or alpine rangeland, and the quality of these pastures is important for milk quantity and quality. We used n-alkanes and long chained alcohols found in plant wax as markers to estimate diet composition in goats grazing on a heterogeneous rangeland during two periods in summer; early (beginning of July) and late (end of August). The goats were fitted with GPS collars that recorded their position. Preliminary results show a diverse diet, where ferns, sedges, blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillis) and birch were preferred in early summer. In late summer the diet was particularly diverse, coinciding with a general decline in plant quality.


Geiter på utmark produserte mindre mjølk med lavere innhold av protein enn geit på innmarksbeite, men utmarksbeite gav ellers ikke redusert mjølkekvalitet. Beite gav mjølk med høyere innhold av fett, protein og tørrstoff, og lavere innhold av urea og frie fettsyrer sammenligna med høyfôring. Utmarksbeite fører ikke nødvendigvis til mjølk med høyt innhold av frie fettsyrer eller til økt innhold av frie fettsyrer utover i beitesesongen.


Norwegian goat milk production is based on summer grazing on diverse forest or alpine rangeland, and the quality of these pastures is important for milk quantity and quality. We used n-alkanes and long chained alcohols found in plant waxes as markers to estimate diet composition in goats grazing on a heterogeneous rangeland during two periods in summer; early (beginning of July) and late (end of August). Some of the goats were fitted with GPS collars that recorded their position. Preliminary results show a diverse diet, where ferns, sedges, blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillis) and birch (Betula pubescens) were preferred in early summer. In late summer the diet was particularly diverse, coinciding with a general decline in plant quality.

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The use of artificial freezing tests, identification of biomarkers linked to or directly involved in the low-temperature tolerance processes, could prove useful in applied strawberry breeding. This study was conducted to identify genotypes of diploid strawberry that differ in their tolerance to low-temperature stress and to investigate whether a set of candidate proteins and metabolites correlate with the level of tolerance. 17 Fragaria vesca, 2 F. nilgerrensis, 2 F. nubicola, and 1 F. pentaphylla genotypes were evaluated for low-temperature tolerance. Estimates of temperatures where 50 % of the plants survived (LT50) ranged from −4.7 to −12.0 °C between the genotypes. Among the F. vesca genotypes, the LT50 varied from −7.7 °C to −12.0 °C. Among the most tolerant were three F. vesca ssp. bracteata genotypes (FDP821, NCGR424, and NCGR502), while a F. vesca ssp. californica genotype (FDP817) was the least tolerant (LT50 −7.7 °C). Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), total dehydrin expression, and content of central metabolism constituents were assayed in select plants acclimated at 2 °C. The LT50 estimates and the expression of ADH and total dehydrins were highly correlated (r adh = −0.87, r dehyd = −0.82). Compounds related to the citric acid cycle were quantified in the leaves during acclimation. While several sugars and acids were significantly correlated to the LT50 estimates early in the acclimation period, only galactinol proved to be a good LT50 predictor after 28 days of acclimation (r galact = 0.79). It is concluded that ADH, dehydrins, and galactinol show great potential to serve as biomarkers for cold tolerance in diploid strawberry.