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Emma Slone Jessica Green Navneet Kaur Darrin L. Walenta Nicole P. Anderson Casey Cruse Seth J. DormanSammendrag
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Trond HaraldsenSammendrag
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Markus A. K. Sydenham Anders Nielsen Yoko L. Dupont Claus Rasmussen Henning Bang Madsen Marianne Strand Torvanger Bastiaan StarSammendrag
Pollinator conservation schemes are typically focused on conserving existing-, restoring degraded- or establishing new wild bee habitats. The effectiveness of such conservation schemes depends on the presence of dispersal corridors that allow habitat colonization by bees. Nonetheless, we lack an understanding of the role of semi-natural habitats edges on the connectivity of pollinator communities across intensively managed landscapes. Here, we use data from wild bee communities comprising 953 occurrences from 79 species of non-parasitic bees, sampled at 68 locations distributed across a Norwegian and a Danish landscape to show that the proportion of semi-natural habitat edges is positively correlated to bee species richness and habitat connectivity. Specifically, we found that wild bee species richness sampled along roadsides increased with the proportion of semi-natural habitat edges within1.5 km of the study sites and with local plant species richness. We combined maps showing the proportion of seminatural habitat edges with least cost path analysis to find the most likely dispersal route between our bee communities. We find that these least cost path lengths provide better models of bee species compositional similarity than geographic distance (|ΔAICc| > 2), suggesting that seminatural habitat edges act as dispersal corridors in intensively managed landscapes. However, we also find that compositional similarity between communities depend on site-specific plant species richness stressing the importance of improving the habitat quality of edge habitats if they are to function as dispersal corridors. We discuss potential management options for improving wild bee habitat conditions along seminatural habitat edges and illustrate how maps of least cost paths can be used to identify dispersal corridors between pollinator habitats of conservation priority. Maps of dispersal corridors can be used to direct wild bee habitat management actions along seminatural habitat edges to facilitate the dispersal of bees between larger grassland habitats. Bees, Connectivity, Conservation planning, Pollinators, Restoration, Grassland
Alice Budai Anders Aas Daniel Rasse Erik J. Joner Pierre-Adrien Rivier Simon Weldon Thiago InagakiSammendrag
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Dagnija Lazdina Valeriu Caisin Bertold Heinze Dana Dina Kolevska Kjersti Holt Hanssen (+17 forfattere) et al.Sammendrag
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Knut ØistadSammendrag
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Johannes RahlfSammendrag
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Therese Birkeland FossøySammendrag
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Anne Linn HykkerudSammendrag
Smaken av norsk sommer fyller nå opp butikkhyllene. For å sikre verdens beste jordbærsmak, samtidig som vi vil at sesongen skal vare lengst mulig, trengs forskning