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NIBIOs ansatte publiserer flere hundre vitenskapelige artikler og forskningsrapporter hvert år. Her finner du referanser og lenker til publikasjoner og andre forsknings- og formidlingsaktiviteter. Samlingen oppdateres løpende med både nytt og historisk materiale. For mer informasjon om NIBIOs publikasjoner, besøk NIBIOs bibliotek.



A richly illustrated field guide for mushroom-pickers through the four seasons of the year. The book presents 95 high-quality, colour paintings by Aurel Dermek accompanied by descriptions and text by Isabella Brja. The book is written in slovak language, however, the names of fungi are also in English, German, Czech and Hungarian


A field experiment was carried out to test the hypothesis that treatment of Norway spruce trees with the Ips typographus-transmitted blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica enhances tree resistance to later mass attack by this bark beetle. Twenty-five mature trees were pre-treated by inoculating a non-lethal dose of the fungus into the bark, while 18 trees served as untreated controls. Three and a half weeks after treatment a bark beetle attack was initiated by attaching dispensers with I. typographus pheromone to the tree trunks. A significantly larger proportion (67%) of the control trees than of the pre-treated trees (36%) were killed by the beetle attack. The result is discussed in relation to recent results regarding defence mechanisms in Norway spruce trees.