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Rapporten dokumenterer utvalgte eksempler på bruk av stordata (engelsk: big data) teknologi og metode i NIBIO. Det første eksemplet er knyttet til oppdatering av arealressurskartet AR5, hvor det undersøkes om stordata-tilnærming kan benyttes for å identifisere lokaliteter der kartet må oppdateres. De neste eksemplene er hentet fra fagområdet plantehelse og tar for seg mulighetene for å bruke stordata-metode for å bedre prediksjonsmodeller og gjenkjenning av for skadegjørere.


I denne rapporten drøftes matsikkerhet og forsyningsberedskap i en norsk sammenheng. Matsikker-heten i Norge er avhengig av kontinuerlig produksjon av mat, ivaretakelse av produksjonsgrunnlaget og velfungerende internasjonale markeder. Det har de senere år blitt stadig tydeligere at vi står overfor både nye og økte trusler mot verdens matsystemer, blant annet som følge av klimaendringer. Det kan utfordre beredskapen knyttet til matforsyningen i Norge. Rapporten presenterer forslag til tiltaksprioriteringer og strategier for forbedret matsikkerhet og forsyningsberedskap.

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The demand for animal protein has increased considerably worldwide, especially in China, where large numbers of livestock and poultry are produced. Antibiotics have been widely applied to promote growth and prevent diseases. However, the overuse of antibiotics in animal feed has caused serious environmental and health risks, especially the wide spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which seriously affects animal and human health, food safety, ecosystems, and the sustainable future development of animal protein production. Unfortunately, AMR has already become a worldwide challenge, so international cooperation is becoming more important for combatting it. China’s efforts and determination to restrict antibiotic usage through law enforcement and effective management are of significance. In this review, we address the pollution problems of antibiotics; in particular, the AMR in water, soil, and plants caused by livestock and poultry manure in China. The negative impact of widespread and intensive use of antibiotics in livestock production is discussed. To reduce and mitigate AMR problems, we emphasize in this review the development of antibiotic substitutes for the era of antibiotic prohibition.


Matprodusenter og myndigheter har ansvaret for å sikre at plantevernmidler ikke skader bier, men også vi som forbrukere kan påvirke bienes skjebne gjennom valg av mat og politikere


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Due to an EU directive making integrated pest management (IPM) mandatory, European farmers are expected to reduce their use of chemical pesticides, which may potentially increase production costs and risk of harvest loss. Less pesticide use is appreciated by many consumers and may generate a higher willingness to pay (WTP). However, IPM is a wide concept and it is difficult for consumers to distinguish between products with high and low risk of pesticide residues. As a result, consumers might use other characteristics, such as country of origin, for the identification of safer products. In this study, we investigate if a higher WTP for Norwegian strawberries is associated with a belief that they contain less pesticide residues than imported berries. We use regression analysis to estimate to what extent the difference in WTP for Norwegian and imported strawberries is correlated with various perceptions about strawberries. The analyses reveal that the stronger the belief that Norwegian strawberries have less pesticide risk than imported ones, the higher the WTP for Norwegian strawberries. This means that if consumers believe domestic farmers use little pesticides, domestic products might be able to sell at considerably higher prices than imports. Hence, it may be economically beneficial for farmers to keep pesticide use at a minimum. Furthermore, we find that consumers have a higher WTP for strawberries produced with less use of pesticides, although not pesticide-free, indicating that IPM is appreciated.