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Extensive landscape and vegetation changes are apparent within rural districts of Norway, especially as forest regrowth on abandoned agricultural land. Forest regrowth changes the landscape and vegetation heterogeneity, thus affecting management issues related to, for example, biodiversity and landscape aesthetics. By comparing up-to-date actual vegetation maps (AVMs), interpreted previous vegetation maps (IPVs), and potential natural vegetation maps (PNVs), we assess and quantify structural changes on a landscape level which are important for biological diversity and also the tourism industry. Our findings indicate that landscapes in rural districts of Norway have changed and that changes will continue in the future. The landscapediversity did not decrease from the 1970s until 2009. Further forest regrowth however, will lead to reduced landscape heterogeneity, while landscape connectivity will increase.


Mange steder i Norge gror igjen med skog. I denne artikkelen beskriver vi endringene på Beitostølen, en gammel setergrend i sterk endring.

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The Norwegian landscape is changing as a result of forest regeneration within the cultural landscape, and forest expansion has impacts on accessibility, visibility, and landscape aesthetics, thereby affecting the country's tourism industry. This study aimed at identifying the potential areas of forest regeneration and anticipated subsequent landscape effects on different categories of tourist locations in southern Norway. Deforested areas with a potential for forest regeneration were identified from several map sources by GIS-analyses, and 180 tourist locations were randomly selected from the Norwegian national tourism database (Reiselivsbasen), and then buffered by 2 km radius for land cover classes. The findings revealed that approximately 15% of southern Norway has the climatic potential for future forest regeneration, in addition to 5% of cultivated land. Future forest regeneration will affect the landscapes surrounding the tourist locations of rural south Norway, and while the potential is nationwide, it is not uniformly distributed. Two important tourist landscape regions seem especially exposed to forest regeneration: the coastal heath region and the mountain landscapes. Large parts of these areas do not have sufficient numbers of domestic grazing animals necessary to maintain the present character of the landscape.


Landskapet i Norge er i stadig endring og en viktig prosess er gjengroing i kulturlandskapet. Gjengroinga har ulike årsaker og konsekvenser, og de siste tiåra har samfunnet brukt store ressurser til fysisk bekjempelse gjennom rydding og skjøtsel. I denne artikkelen ser vi nærmere på konsekvensene av gjengroing i Norge gjennom resultater fra forskningsprosjektet ”Reiseliv og kulturlandskap - kjennetegn, forvalting og opplevelser” med arbeidstittel CULTOUR.


I løpet av de siste hundre åra har skogarealet økt med over 50 prosent. Det forventes å øke betydelig i årene framover, spesielt i kyst- og fjellregionene, noe som får store konsekvenser for deler av turistnæringen som lever av utsikten til vårt fantastiske natur- og kulturlandskap.


Forest regrowth in rural districts of Norway is currently leading to extensive landscape changes. We aim to quantify and understand the future impact of outfield forest regrowth following land-use abandonment on red-listed vascular plant species which are supposedly threatened by regrowth in Norway, i.e. species classified to habitats within the semi-natural landscape. Vascular plant species were defined by the Norwegian Red List and presence data was downloaded from the Norwegian GBIF-node, Artskart. A newly developed spatially explicit model of deforested semi-natural heaths and meadows in Norway was used to evaluate the vulnerability of red-listed plants to future forest regrowth. The results show that some red-listed species may be greatly affected, since they have most of their known populations within the modelled areas of future forest regrowth. The study also revealed that there are many methodological challenges in using museum databases for hypothesis testing. However, the use of such databases was clearly hypothesis generating, giving us many ideas for future studies.


Farmland biodiversity is an important component of Europe’s biodiversity. More than half the continent is occupied by agricultural lands. They host specific habitats and species, which – in addition to the conservation values they provide – perform vital ecological functions. Indicators are needed to enable the monitoring of biodiversity at the farm level for the purpose of assessing the impacts of farming practices and of agricultural policies. Our research aims at identifying farmland biodiversity indicators which are scientifically sound, operational and relevant for stakeholders. We screened the literature for farmland biodiversity indicators and, in an iterative process with stakeholders, we identified 28 candidate indicators for genetic, species and habitat diversity. Those selected biodiversity indicators, as well as 14 management parameters that are known to relate to biodiversity, were assessed in 12 case study regions across Europe. Each case study region represents a typical production system (i.e. specialist field crops, horticulture and permanent crops; specialist grazing with cattle and other livestock types; mixed crop and livestock farming). In each region, 8 – 20 farms were randomly selected, mostly within the two groups of organic and non-organic farms, to obtain a gradient of farming intensity. Indicators were measured applying standardized sampling procedures and farm interviews. Sampling effort was recorded in order to assess the cost of indicator measurement. For each case study region, biodiversity indicators are presently being evaluated in conjunction with management indicators. Surrogate indicators will be proposed when possible and indicators will be prioritized taking into account their validity, practicality, cost and priority for stakeholders. Based on preliminary results, the presentation will focus on the relation between direct (species and habitat diversity) indicators and indirect (farm management) parameters. Part of this research was funded by the EU FP7 contract KBBE-2B-227161. For more information consult www.biobio-indicator.org


Farmland biodiversity is an important component of Europe’s biodiversity. More than half the continent is occupied by agricultural lands. They host specific habitats and species, which - in addition to their conservation values they provide - perform vital ecological functions. Indicators are needed to enable the monitoring of biodiversity at the farm level for the purpose of assessing the impacts of farming practices and of agricultural policies. Our research aims at identifying farmland biodiversity indicators which are scientifically sound, operational and relevant for stakeholders. We screened the literature for farmland biodiversity indicators and, in an iterative process with stakeholders, we identified 28 candidate indicators for genetic, species and habitat diversity. Those selected biodiversity indicators, as well as 14 management indicators that are known to relate to biodiversity, were assessed in 12 case study regions across Europe. Each case study region represents a typical production system (i.e. specialist field crops, horticulture and permanent crops; specialist grazing with cattle and other livestock types; mixed crop and livestock farming). In each region, 8-20 farms were randomly selected, mostly within the two groups of organic and non-organic farms, to obtain a gradient of farming intensity. Indicators were measured applying standardized sampling procedures and farm interviews. Sampling effort was recorded in order to assess the cost of indicator measurement. For each case study region, biodiversity indicators are presently being evaluated in conjunction with management indicators. Surrogate indicators will be proposed when possible and indicators will be prioritized taking into account their validity, practicality, cost and priority for stakeholders. Based on preliminary results, the presentation will focus on the specific challenges of farm level monitoring, addressing issues of sampling design within the farms and up-scaling from plot to farm to region. Part of this research was funded by the EU FP7 contract KBBE-2B-227161. For more information consult www.biobio-indicator.org


Som følge av en årlig omdisponering av dyrket mark i betydelig større omfang enn regjeringens erklærte mål har Statens landbruksforvaltning foreslått en hjemmel i jordlova for vern av dyrket jord. Selv om summen av jordbruksarealet i Norge har økt med ca. 8 % over en 20-årsperiode (1985–2006), så er arealet gjennom omdisponering og nydyrking `på flyttefot` til områder med dårligere jordkvalitet og klimatiskeforhold. For eksempel var den totale avgangen avjordbruksareal fra 2002 til 2006 (127 000 daa) større enn hele jordbruksarealet i drift i Aust- Agder fylke (114 000 daa). Vi har laget en oversikt basert på tilgjengelige data for å vise hvor opprettelsen av jordvernområder kan være mest aktuell.

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The involvement of the public in decision-making is established as a key feature of many planning policies. However, there is evidence from the literature of a prevailing gap between participation rhetoric on paper and participation at the operational level. We assess whether this is also the case with landscape policy and review landscape characterization and assessment initiatives in England, Norway, Slovakia and Malta, focusing on five dimensions of good practice: (i) scope of public participation, (ii) representativeness of those involved, (iii) timeliness of public involvement, (iv) extent to which participation is rendered comfortable and convenient for the public, and (v) eventual influence of public input on decisions. Reviewed reporting results indicate weaknesses in the implementation of public participation, with public involvement largely limited to consultation, with few efforts to ensure representativeness of participants, with predominantly late involvement of the public, and with limited influence of the public on outputs. Furthermore, few efforts appear to be made to facilitate participation for the public. Although the cases studied differ, none of them are fully satisfactory in relation to the European Landscape Convention's participatory targets. The reporting of public participation processes thus suggests that practices may fail to match the rhetoric.