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Annual precipitation and temperature are expected to increase in Norway. To ensure sustainable food production, agricultural production has to be adapted to the changing natural conditions. Knowledge about areas is a prerequisite in this context. High quality maps will be useful tools for this purpose. Soil survey has been conducted on almost 5 000 km2 of the agricultural area in Norway. The survey shows that more than half of the mapped area needs artificial drainage. Increased pre- cipitation will increase the need for removal of excess water, but this will vary among regions and soils. Increased temperature will allow plants restricted to the best climate to be grown over a great- er range in Norway. A longer growing season will increase the agricultural potential of arable and cultivable land presently under less favorable climate conditions.

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Norsk institutt for skog og landskap har utført jordsmonnkartlegging i Klepp kommune. Denne rapporten gir en kortfattet beskrivelse av jorda i kommunen.

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Norsk institutt for skog og landskap har utført jordsmonnkartlegging i Sola kommune. Denne rapporten gir en kortfattet beskrivelse av jorda i kommunen.