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Næringsrike veikanter langs dyrka mark inneholder ofte store og hurtigvoksende planter som hundekjeks, kveke og brennesle. Slike kanter bidrar effektivt med frø av uønska arter til dyrkamark og bidrar til å hemme sikten langs veien. For å hemme utviklingen av slike veikanter er det nødvendig med langsiktige slåttetiltak. Forsøk med slåttetiltak som kan redusere innslaget av problematiske planter i næringsrike kanter ble derfor igangsatt i Bjugn på Fosen i Sør-Trøndelag i 2004. Resultater fra forsøket som pågikk over en femårsperiode presenteres og diskuteres i rapporten.


In Norway, the goal of 15% organic food production within 2015 is too ambitious if the current growth rate of organic farmland is continued. Hence, a study of bottlenecks within organic farming systems in Northern Norway, and farmer"s preconditions to convert was conducted in spring 2007. A questionnaire was sent to certified and former certified organic farmers, and a control group of conventional farmers. For organic farmers the most important bottlenecks were public regulations and organic price premiums. Conventional farmers feared yield decrease, restricted forage availability and extra work. In 2008, interviews with selected farmers and officials in local municipalities were conducted to explore the reasons for large differences between certified organic farmland.


Nitrogen (N) er kvantitativt det viktigste næringsstoff for vekst og reproduksjon. Nitrogenfikserende planter er avgjørende for å forsyne andre planter med N og for at fôr skal bli en bedre proteinkilde. Hvilke faktorer påvirker potensialet for biologisk nitrogenfiksering og hvordan overlever kløveren den lange nordnorske vinteren?


Nitrogen (N) er kvantitativt det viktigste næringsstoff for vekst og reproduksjon. Nitrogenfikserende planter er avgjørende for å forsyne andre planter med N og for at fôr skal bli en bedre proteinkilde. Hvilke faktorer påvirker potensialet for biologisk nitrogenfiksering og hvordan overlever kløveren den lange nordnorske vinteren?


Omlagt areal i 2008 (inkludert areal i karens) varierte fra 0 % til 24 % mellom de ulike kommunene i Nordland fylke. Derfor ble det undersøkt hvilke faktorer som ligger bak og som kan bidra til å forklare disse ulikhetene. Det ble valgt ut kommuner med lite (< 2.5 %) eller mye (> 10 %) omlagt økologisk areal og gjennomført telefonintervju med to til tre informanter fra hver kommune. De viktigste sammenhenger synes å være mellom omlagt areal og kommunal innsats; og øko-miljø i kommunen (smitteeffekt/naboeffekt); og holdning/interesse for økologisk landbruk blant bønder, lokale organisasjoner og myndigheter; og tilgang til ledig areal i kommunen.


Wild berries are a charcteristic part of the Northern nature and a potential speciality of Nordic countries. Wild berries are also a valuable resource that has not yet been exploited in a satisfactory level. Approximately 90-95 per cent of the wild berry crop yield is left unpicked in the Nordic forests every year. The challenges of the wild berry utilization are similar in the Nordic countries - the logistics of berry picking including traceability, fragmented sector structure as well as the high share of unprocessed raw material in export. The Nordic project focusing on biberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) "Bilberry: Towards functional food markets" (2007-2009) is part of the New Nordic Food programme funded by the Nordic Innovation Centre. The aim of the project was to promote Nordic cooperation between representatives from universities, research institutes and industry in order to improve wild berry production and utilisation on the Nordic and global market. To achieve this goal a network between the Nordic experts of the different fields of the wild berry sector has been established. The project has focused on marketing research, quality issues, biodiversity and traceability of wild berries, especially bilberry. The results of the marketing survey were first published in the Nordic Wild Berry seminar in November 2008. The aim of the survey was to generate an overall picture of the companies working with wild berries in Nordic countries and gather information on the existence and willingness of the berry companies to cooperate for instance in wild berry supply, logistics, marketing or research and development. According to the results, a general agreement for the need of increased cooperation at the Nordic level was highlighted.


Two female and two male cultivars have previously been released as a result of clone evaluation at Bioforsk Nord Holt. The selection criteria were the number of pistils or stamens per flower, the number of flowers and the number of shoots per m2. Currently a new group of clones are being evaluated with the aim of finding new cultivars for release. The preliminary results on flowering and berry production show a strong variance in these traits. Over three years of registration, the number of produced flowers varied from under 100 for the weakest clone to more than 1000 for the best clone. The number of produced berries varied from 9 for the weakest clone to 242 for the best clone. The three clones that produced the most flowers all had very low berry production and deviated from the rest of the clones by having high numbers of flowers per harvested berry. New selection criteria will be considered before selection of new cultivars for release. In addition to the production traits, new selection criteria will most likely include berry contents, such as the levels of antioxidants.


Plant polyphenolics continue to be the focus of attention with regard to their putative impact on human health. An increasing and ageing human population means that the focus on nutrition and nutritional enhancement or optimization of our foodstuffs is paramount. Using raspberry as a model we have shown how modern metabolic profiling approaches can be used to identify the changes in the level of beneficial polyphenolics in fruit breeding segregating populations and how the level of these components are determined by genetic and/or environmental control. Interestingly the Vitamin C content appeared to be significantly influenced by environment (growth conditions) whilst the content of the polyphenols such as cyanidin, pelargonidin and quercetin glycosides appeared to much more tightly regulated suggesting a rigorous genetic control. Preliminary metabolic profiling showed that the fruit polyphenolic profiles divided into two gross groups segregating on the basis of relative levels of cyaniding-3-sophoroside and cyaniding-3-rutinoside, compounds implicated as conferring human health benefits.