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This chapter analyses the main challenges and opportunities to promote sustainable biogas technology adoption by smallholders through integrated food and energy systems (IFES), using a case study from Malonga village in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Biogas has become attractive in recent years because of its multiple benefits and the contributions it can make to the UN SDGs. However, in Africa, its adoption remains low, due to several constraints, including: (1) water scarcity and lack of access to feedstocks; (2) high initial/upfront cost of installation and lack of investment; (3) lack of skilled labour for installation, operation and maintenance; (4) limited training facilities; (5) inadequate policy support and extension services; and (6) slow behavioural and social acceptance. Based on the information collected, integrated framework conditions that can encourage the adoption of smallholder biogas technology through IFES, were suggested. IFES will only succeed in delivering benefits, if the necessary framework conditions, such as adequate feedstock and water, training, policy support, stakeholder collaboration, credit and insurance and support services are provided. The implementation of the necessary framework conditions for biogas technology should be underpinned by conducting an integrated research study on using IFES type 2 in the context of smallholder farmers in Africa.

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BACKGROUND:The predicted and ongoing climate warming can have far-reaching effects on plant growth and life cycle. Therefore, there is need for simple and convenient methods for analysis and monitoring of consequences of the ongoing warming. OBJECTIVE:To demonstrate the usefulness of so-called climate-photothermographs for studying the consequences of the ongoing warming for production of berry crops. METHODS:Local photothermal climates can be expressed by so-called climate-photothermographs, which show the relationship between temperature and daylength for each month of the year in a rectangular coordinate diagram. When superimposing critical response curves for plant development processes on top of such a diagram, the limitations of the given climate for fulfilment of the processes can be readily assessed. RESULTS:Consequences of 2°C warming for critical development processes such as transition to flowering and breaking of winter dormancy in the berry crops raspberry, black currant and strawberry were clearly exposed by the technique. The locations Geisenheim, Germany and Ås, Norway were used as examples. Inadequate winter chill was identified as the most limiting factor for these crops. CONCLUSIONS:We conclude that the technique is an efficient and convenient tool for monitoring the consequences of climate warming for berry crops.

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Four raspberry cultivars were grown at two different latitudes namely in Geisenheim (DE, 49°60’N; 7°57’E) and in Kapp (NO, 60°42’N; 10°52’E) to investigate the impact of these growing sites on primary and secondary fruit chemical ingredients in the 2017 season. Fruits were harvested at two picking dates each with three field replications. Contents of °Brix, glucose, fructose, sucrose, organic acids, ascorbic acid, polyols, total polyphenols, and anthocyanins were analyzed in the fruits. The geographic growing sites, which in this case is more than10 latitudes between HGU in Germany and NIBIO in Norway, has partly no, partly significant effects on the primary and secondary ingredients of the investigated raspberry cultivars. In respect to the created data set, temperatures shortly before or at the picking dates were not considered. It may be expected that temperatures at harvest have an effect on the fruit ingredients and therefore on a further classification of the samples.