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Denne rapporten omhandlar resultat frå feltforsøk med epletre i vekstsesongane 2016 - 2020 ved NLR Viken i Lier og NIBIO Ullensvang. Føremålet med dette prosjektet var å stimulera til auka produksjon av norske eple med god fruktkvalitet dyrka på ein effektiv måte. Det vart gjennomført feltforsøk med kjemisk tynning under blomstringa og på karten med bruk av ulike bioregulatorar, mekanisk tynning med maskin under blomstringa, rotskjering med kniv påmontert traktor, utprøving av vekstregulatoren Regalis og gjødselvatning til to eplesortar. Kontrollert gjødseltilføring med epletre i potter i plasthus vart gjennomført ved Nibio Særheim. Målsetjinga heile tida var å gjera forsøk med miljøvennlege teknikkar til å gjødsla epletre optimalt for å auka den generelle fruktkvaliteten og heva andelen av årleg klasse 1 kvalitet. Dessutan var det viktig å nytta bærekraftige metodar for å redusere skotveksten og regulera avlinga i trea for å oppnå rett fruktsetjing under norske vilkår.

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Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a temperate fruit species whose production might be highly impacted by climate change in the near future. Diversity of plant material could be an option to mitigate these climate risks by enabling producers to have new cultivars well adapted to new environmental conditions. In this study, subsets of sweet cherry collections of 19 European countries were genotyped using 14 SSR. The objectives of this study were (i) to assess genetic diversity parameters, (ii) to estimate the levels of population structure, and (iii) to identify germplasm redundancies. A total of 314 accessions, including landraces, early selections, and modern cultivars, were monitored, and 220 unique SSR genotypes were identified. All 14 loci were confirmed to be polymorphic, and a total of 137 alleles were detected with a mean of 9.8 alleles per locus. The average number of alleles (N = 9.8), PIC value (0.658), observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.71), and expected heterozygosity (He = 0.70) were higher in this study compared to values reported so far. Four ancestral populations were detected using STRUCTURE software and confirmed by Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA), and two of them (K1 and K4) could be attributed to the geographical origin of the accessions. A N-J tree grouped the 220 sweet cherry accessions within three main clusters and six subgroups. Accessions belonging to the four STRUCTURE populations roughly clustered together. Clustering confirmed known genealogical data for several accessions. The large genetic diversity of the collection was demonstrated, in particular within the landrace pool, justifying the efforts made over decades for their conservation. New sources of diversity will allow producers to face challenges, such as climate change and the need to develop more sustainable production systems.