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Predicting N mineralization from green manure in different soil types during the cold season is instrumental for improving crop management with higher N use efficiency and reduced risks of N losses in a cool and humid climate. The objective of our work was to study the effects of low temperatures and soil type on the net nitrogen (N) mineralization and the relationship between N and carbon (C) mineralization from N-rich plant material. A silty clay loam and a sandy loam were incubated with or without clover leaves for 80 days at 0, 4, 8.5 or 15 ◦C. The results showed a substantial mineralization of N in clover leaves (7% of N added), unaffected by temperature, already on 3rd day. This was followed by net N immobilization for about 4 weeks in the clay soil, with similar tendencies in the sandy soil, and more severely at the higher than the lower temperatures. After 80 days of incubation, net N mineralization was only 13–22% of total N in clover leaves. The ratio of net mineralized N to C was higher at lower temperatures, and higher in the sandy than in the clay soil. After the immobilization period, the N mineralization increased, positively related to temperature, and the ratio of net mineralized N to C became constant. In conclusion, low temperature during the initial phase of mineralization altered the ratio between net N and C mineralization from easily decomposable plant material, and the net N mineralization occurred more rapidly in the sandy soil. The change in stoichiometry at low temperatures, as well as the modifying effect of soil type, should be considered when predicting N mineralization of N-rich plant material.

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Norsk regelverk gir anledning til å produsere såkorn i mindre skala. Bønder kan etablere egen såvareforretning for salg av frø. Det er også anledning til å etablere et lukket system for frøtransaksjoner dersom dette registreres som såvareforretning. En annen mulighet for å øke mangfoldet av kornsorter i norske åkrer er å øke antallet bevaringsverdige sorter på den norske sortslista. Med et større tilbud av sorter vil det være lettere å ivareta behovene til de som vil dyrke korn til nisjemarkeder som f.eks. økologisk håndverksbakst.

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For a 100% organic value chain, we need more varieties suitable for organic cultivation. Varieties bred for organic growing is a challenge in small markets. Many breeding goals are equal for organic and conventional cereals. Hence, accessions failing qualification as commercial varieties may perform well in organic growing. A field experiment over two years was performed at two growing sites to compare 25 accessions of spring wheat, ranging from old heritage varieties to modern breeding lines. We assessed yield and agronomic characteristics, artisan bread baking quality and sensory characteristics. Modern accessions gave best yields. Old varieties had smaller kernels, less grain filling, lower falling numbers and SDS-sedimentation volumes, but higher concentrations of minerals, although the growing site has a strong effect. Bread from modern accessions performed best in a baking test. Several sensory characteristics such as juiciness, chew resistance, firmness, acid taste and vinegar odor varied between varieties. Heritage varieties have an important cultural value, and many consumers are willing to pay a significant premium price for such products. A premium price is required, since yield levels are often considerably lower.