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Denne rapporten presenterer rekartlegging og verdisetting av naturtyper, spesielt med hensyn til kystlynghei og strandeng på Svinøya i Nærøysund kommune, Trøndelag fylke, på oppdrag fra Nærøysund kommune. Målsettingen med arbeidet var å få en rekartlegging av kystlyngheien på Svinøya etter NiN, samt en kort, overordnet vurdering av lokalitetene etter DN-håndbok 13.


Denne rapporten presenterer revidert skjøtselsplan for kystlynghei for lokaliteten Madsøya i Ørland kommune, på oppdrag fra grunneier og bruker Bente Haugen Madsø og Statsforvalteren i Trøndelag. Skjøtselsplanen er en revidering av planen fra 2015 utarbeidet av Olaug Bach (Bach O. 2015). Skjøtselsplanen er utarbeidet etter mal for skjøtselsplaner for kystlynghei i regi av Miljødirektoratet. Kartleggingen av Madsøya har følgt Miljødirektoratets kartleggingsinstruks (MD 2021). I forbindelse med arbeidet ble Madsøya rekartlagt etter NiN 2.1 og kystlyngheien fikk dermed ny avgrensing, områdebeskrivelse og verdisetting.


NIBIO ved Synnøve Nordal Grenne fikk i 2019 i oppdrag fra bruker Siv Kristin Fosli, og Malvik kommune ved jordbrukssjef Johan Forbord, å utforme skjøtselsplanen for Viken nedre naturbeitemark i Malvik kommune, Trøndelag fylke. Skjøtselsplanen gir skjøtsels- og restaureringsråd for naturbeitemark. Rapporten er delt inn i to hoveddeler. Første del gir en kort generell beskrivelse av naturtypen naturbeitemark. Andre del er rettet mot den som skal utføre skjøtsel og forvaltningen, og omhandler naturgrunnlaget og dagens drift i området, samt beskrivelsen av konkrete restaurerings- og skjøtselstiltak innenfor lokaliteten. Som vedlegg finnes en beskrivelse av den verdifulle naturtypen som inngår i drifta (vedlegg 1). Den genererer i hovedsak informasjon rettet inn mot forvaltning, inkludert søkbare egenskaper for området i Miljødirektoratets naturbase.


NIBIO ved Synnøve Nordal Grenne fikk i 2019 i oppdrag fra bruker Arve Ørsjødal og Malvik kommune ved jordbrukssjef Johan Forbord å utforme skjøtselsplanen for Volden øvre og nedre i Malvik kommune, Trøndelag fylke. Skjøtselsplanen er utarbeidet i samarbeid med bruker og gir skjøtsels- og restaureringsråd for naturbeitemark. Rapporten er delt inn i to hoveddeler. Første del gir en kort generell beskrivelse av naturtypen naturbeitemark. Andre del er rettet mot den som skal utføre skjøtsel og forvaltningen, og omhandler naturgrunnlaget og dagens drift i området, samt beskrivelsen av konkrete restaurerings- og skjøtselstiltak innenfor lokaliteten. Som vedlegg finnes en beskrivelse av de verdifulle naturtypene som inngår i drifta (vedlegg 1). Den genererer i hovedsak informasjon rettet inn mot forvaltning, inkludert søkbare egenskaper for området i Miljødirektoratets naturbase.

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Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is the most important forage legume in the Nordic region, but its utilization is limited by poor persistency. The improvement of cultivated red clover can potentially take advantage of the numerous wild populations and landraces conserved in gene banks; however, there is often limited information available on the phenotypic and genetic characteristics of this material. We characterized 48 populations conserved at NordGen for a number of traits and compared them to commercial cultivars. The material was evaluated in field trials at four locations over two years and in an experiment under controlled conditions. Considerable variation was identified, with stem length, growth type and flowering date having the highest broad sense heritabilities. Traits related to plant size were strongly associated with late flowering and upright growth and differed between landraces/cultivars on the one hand and wild populations on the other. There was a large genotype by environment interaction on winter survival, which only partially correlated with freezing tolerance under controlled conditions. A majority of gene bank accessions exceeded the commercial cultivars in winter survival and freezing tolerance and can therefore be a genetic resource for future improvement of these traits. The phenotypic variation among accessions was associated with two main axes of climatic variation at the collection site. Petiole length of young plants under controlled conditions as well as plant size in the field increased with increasing summer temperature and decreasing summer precipitation, while number of leaves and an apparent vernalization requirement, recorded under controlled conditions, increased with decreasing annual and winter temperature. We discuss the implications these results have for collection, conservation and utilization of red clover genetic resources in the Nordic region.

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Seaweeds are increasingly used in European cuisine. Until the recent use of molecular techniques, species identification was solely based on morphology which cannot easily discriminate morphologically simple but phenotypically plastic taxa such as the green algal genus Ulva. For example, current taxonomic protocol effectively reassigned the previously known European ʻUlva lactuca L.’ under the name Ulva fenestrata Postels & Ruprecht. Also, the presumptive Ulva lactuca approved by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM, Joint Research Center, European Commission) as Certified Reference Material (CRM) for analytical quality assurance was genetically identified as U. rigida C.Agardh. It is very likely that different Ulva species under various names have been consumed as food not only in Europe, but also worldwide. In this regard, when chemical composition and nutritional quality of different seaweed species meet a set of food standard criteria, and food safety hazards are mitigated, they should be endorsed for consumption. In the case of Ulva, we propose that different bladed and tubular species should generally be accepted for food consumption in Europe.

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Macrocystis pyrifera is a major habitat forming kelp in coastal ecosystems of temperate regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. We investigated the seasonal occurrence of adult sporophytes, morphological characteristics, and reproductive phenology at two sites within a wave-protected harbour and two wave-exposed sites in southern New Zealand every 3–4 months between 2012 and 2013. Seasonality in reproduction was assessed via the number of sporophylls, the occurrence of sori on sporophylls, and non-sporophyllous laminae (fertile pneumatocyst-bearing blades and fertile apical scimitars), meiospore release, and germination. We found that M. pyrifera was present and reproductive year-round in three of the four sites, and patterns were similar for the wave-exposure conditions. Sori were found on pneumatocyst-bearing blades and apical scimitars in addition to the sporophylls, and viable meiospores were released from all three types of laminae. Morphological variations between sites with different wave exposure indicate that sporophytes from wave-protected sites have bigger blades and holdfasts and are longer than those from wave-exposed sites. We discuss the implications of these biological variables for the ecology of M. pyrifera inhabiting different wave exposure environments in southern New Zealand.

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Kelps are important foundation species in coastal ecosystems currently experiencing pronounced shifts in their distribution patterns caused by ocean warming. While some populations found at species’ warm distribution edges have been recently observed to decline, expansions of some species have been recorded at their cold distribution edges. Reduced population resilience can contribute to kelp habitat loss, hence, understanding intraspecific variations in physiological responses across a species’ latitudinal distribution is crucial for its conservation. To investigate potential local responses of the broadly distributed kelp Saccharina latissima to marine heatwaves in summer, we collected sporophytes from five locations in Europe (Spitsbergen, Bodø, Bergen, Helgoland, Locmariaquer), including populations exposed to the coldest and warmest local temperature regimes. Meristematic tissue from sporophytes was subjected to increasing temperatures of 1+2, 1+4 and 1+6 ◦C above the respective mean summer temperatures (control, 1±0 ◦C) characteristic for each site. Survival and corresponding physiological and biochemical traits were analyzed. Vitality (optimum quantum yield, Fv/Fm) and growth were monitored over time and biochemical responses were measured at the end of the experiment. Growth was highest in northern and lowest in southern populations. Overall, northern populations from Spitsbergen, Bodø and Bergen were largely unaffected by increasing summer temperatures up to 1+6 ◦C. Conversely, sporophytes from Helgoland and Locmariaquer were markedly stressed at 1+6 ◦C: occurrence of tissue necrosis, reduced Fv/Fm, and a significantly elevated de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle (DPS). The variations in phlorotannins, mannitol and tissue C and N contents were independent of temperature treatments and latitudinal distribution pattern. Pronounced site-specific variability in response to increasing temperatures implies that exceeding a threshold above the mean summer temperature exclusively affect rear-edge (southernmost) populations.