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The uptake of chitosan based impregnation solutions were tested on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L), Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), Downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) in longitudinal, radial and tangential directions separately. The four chitosans tested had a fraction of acetylated residues (FA) of 0.198 and average molecular weights ranging from 18 to 129kDalton. The kinetic viscosity of the 2.4% (weight/volume) solutions at pH 5.0 was in the range of 2.95 to 28.8mm2s-1. The general trend showed that there was an increase in uptake of chitosan based impregnation solutions with decreasing viscosity, and the chitosan solution with the lowest viscosity had almost comparable uptake with water for Pine and Beech in the longitudinal direction. In general, the lower the ability for uptake of impregnation solution, the more the viscosity influences the uptake.


Forest ecosystems provide many deliverables or benefits to society. The most obvious one is wood for the forest industry. Other benefits include berries, hunting, and recreation. More recently recognised benefits are environmental services such as carbon sequestration, water protection and biodiversity, which are without an immediate market value.On the other hand, there are pressures (e.g. climate change, air pollution, exploitation, and costs) on the ecosystem that may hamper the wood production or other benefits......


Barlind (Taxus baccata) og kristtorn (Ilex aquifolium) har en lang og mangslungen felles historie med oss mennesker i nord. Nedtegnelser om artene finnes allerede i norrøn mytologi, og mannedrap, kreftbekjempelse og dekor er stikkord som vitner om variert bruk. Den store betydningen både før og nå, gjenspeiles ikke i utbredelsen som for begge artene er begrenset til små arealer langs deler av kysten i Sør-Norge. Artene er derfor fremmed for mange som ellers kjenner skogens trær.