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Dette er resultatet av et forprosjekt innen temaet vind og skogskader, hvor målet har vært å legge et grunnlag for en eventuell videre forskning innen dette temaet. Vi har bygget opp et modell-datasett for skog og vinddata på Østlandet, og estimert at omkring 18 mill m3 virke ville blåst ned i denne landsdelen ved en 100- års storm. Dette utgjør omkring 4,4% av den stående kubikkmassen. Skogbehandlingen kan ha stor innvirkning på omfanget av vindskader på skog. Dette er demonstrert ved å beregne hvor stort volum vindfall vi ville fått med tre alternativer for skogbehandling, dvs. ved å variere bestandsstørrelse og trærnes diameter/ høyde-forhold i modell-datasettet. En strategi for å avveie hensynet til stabilitet opp mot andre hensyn i skogbehandlingen er å differensiere skogbehandlingen etter risikoen for vindskader, dvs. å fokusere på stabilitet der risikoen for vindskader er høy. Vi har prøvet modellen WINDA, som beregner risiko for vindskader for hvert bestand i en skogbruksplan, og slike modeller kan være et hjelpemiddel for skogeiere til å differensiere skogbehandlingen. Det viktigste utbyttet av dette er at vi har fått innblikk i hvordan slik modellering kan gjøres, og hvilke resultater man kan forvente å få. Det har blitt klart at hvis det skal gjøres slik modellering i Norge, må metoden videreutvikles for norske forhold, bl.a. for å håndtere det bratte norske terrenget. For øvrig synes WINDA-modelleringen å være godt faglig fundert og gi gode prediksjoner for risiko for vindskader, selv om vi i dette prosjektet ikke har hatt ressurser til å gjøre en fullstendig utprøving og validering av modellen.


In forest trees, environmental conditions during the reproduction can greatly influence progeny performance. We here suggest that temperature during zygotic embryogenesis and seed maturation regulates an “epigenetic memory” in the progeny, involving differential expression of genes that may regulate bud phenology, cold acclimation and embryogenesis in Norway spruce. Conditions colder than normal advance the timing whilst temperatures above normal delay the onset of these processes. The altered performance lasts for many years. The seedlings actually remember the temperatures and photoperiod prevailing during zygotic embryogenesis and seed maturation. We show for the first time that regenerated plants, cloned through somatic embryogenesis, express a memory of the temperatures applied during embryo development whilst growing in a common greenhouse environment. The warmer the in vitro temperature applied, the later the regenerated plants formed terminal buds in the common environment the second growth season. The differences were very large, and similar in size to a provenance separation of 4 – 6 degrees of latitude. To study a molecular mechanisms of a memory from embryo development identical crosses were performed, seed were produced in different temperature regimes (cold and warm embryonic history) and seedling were grown under long day (LD = continuous light) and short day (SD = 12 h night) conditions. We have prepared two subtracted cDNA libraries, forward and revers, representing genes predominantly expressed in plants growing from seeds obtained after embryogenesis in cold environment (CE) and warm environment (WE) after short day treatment (going to bud set). Annotation reveals considerable differences in studied transcriptomes. More than 50% of contigs were unknown. So obtained subtracted libraries is a good source of candidate genes. We used quantitative RT–PCR to study the expression patterns of 34 chosen candidate genes. Just two putative genes among them with no matching in the Database and one reverse transcriptase show constitutively differential expression in progeny from CE and WE


A series of comparable specimens of hornbeam wood were submitted to pre-treatments by white-rot fungi and by alkali, or alkali followed by oxidation agents. The pre-treatments caused weight loss of wood and modified its physical properties and chemical composition.All pre-treatments reduced axial permeability of the test specimens in wet state (w FSP). The pre-treatments of the test specimens by diluted sodium hydroxide, or sodium hydroxide followed by hydrogen peroxide, however increased rate of diffusion in direction parallel to grain. The pre-treatments also made the kinetics of wood/water interactions in its initial phase much higher, especially when the white-rot fungi were used.The chemical pre-treatments of hornbeam wood caused its extreme final swelling, and on the other hand, a careful drying to initial moisture content resulted in its deep collapse. An increased rate of wood/water interactions, higher uptake of water and higher diffusion coefficients of wood pre-treated by alkali may play a positive role in the pulping processes.


A series of comparable specimens of hornbeam wood were submitted to fungal and chemical pretreatments. Two strains of erosive white-rot fungi (P. chrysosporium and T. versicolor) and a lignin-selective fungus C. subvermispora were used. Chemical pretreatments were carried out with diluted sodium hydroxide, or sodium hydroxide and then by hydrogen peroxide, or per-acetic acid. Both biotic and abiotic pre-treatments modified the chemical composition of wood and were accompanied by its weight loss. The applied fungi apparently delignified the specimens, however at the expense of cellulose, especially when the erosive strains of fungi were used. The chemical pretreatments caused deep deacetylation, and milder delignification of wood and did not cause an apparent loss of cellulose. Biotic pretreatments of hornbeam wood, despite their marked delignification effect, led to unexpected increase in the contents of residual lignin in the resulting kraft pulps. On the other hand, pulping of the chemically pre-treated chips yielded pulps with low contents of residual lignin and much higher brightness.


Spredning av fremmede arter er en alvorlig trussel mot naturmiljøet og det biologiske mangfoldet mange steder i verden, men kunnskapen om effektene som kan oppstå, er dessverre svært mangelfull. Et langtidsstudium av invasjonen av lagesild til Pasvikvassdraget i Øst-Finnmark viser hvordan en fremmed art kan påvirke det opprinnelige økosystemet. Effektene er mange, og det mangler ikke på dramatikk under vannflata.


Nesten halvparten av Norges utslipp av klimagasser blir tatt opp igjen av skog, i trærnes stammer, greiner, nåler, blader og røtter. Men Kyotoavtalen gir Norge liten mulighet til å trekke skogens opptak av karbondioksid (CO2) fra i klimagassregnskapet. Effekten er også lite omtalt i offentlig debatt. Globalt står avskogingen for 17 prosent av verdens menneskeskapte klimagassutslipp.


Rapporten presenterer sammendrag av resultatene for 2007 fra tre overvåkingsprogrammer: “Overvåking av langtrans­portert forurenset luft og nedbør”, ”Overvåkingsprogram for skogskader” og “Program for terrestrisk naturovervåking”.


Predation has a fundamental role in aquatic ecosystems, but the relative importance of factors governing prey selection by predators remains controversial. In this study, we contrast five lakes of a subarctic watercourse to explore how prey community characteristics affect prey selection and growth of the top predator brown trout. The brown trout was a morph/species- and size-specific pelagic predator, selecting the small-sized, pelagic whitefish morph or vendace over the benthic whitefish morphs. In all lakes, the average prey size increased with predator size, but small-sized prey were also included in the diet of large predators. The selection of small-sized, pelagic prey fish appeared to be a favourable foraging strategy for the brown trout, yielding higher growth rates and an earlier ontogenetic shift to piscivory.


It has been shown previously that height growth and bud phenology are influenced by the temperature during zygotic embryogenesis in Picea abies.To test whether this phenomenon operates within individual plants, clones produced through somatic embryogenesis were used. Seeds were from a full-sib family produced in both a cold (outdoor) and a warm (inside a glasshouse) environment. Embryogenic clones derived from mature zygotic embryos from both crossing environments were cultured at 18, 23 and 28 during the proliferation and embryo maturation steps.After the second growing season in a glasshouse, plants from the warm seed production environment were taller and had significantly later bud set. For the first time, it is also shown that plants are influenced by the in vitro temperature during somatic embryo development. The warmer the temperature, the later the plants formed terminal buds. The differences were similar to those produced by a provenance separation of 4-6 degrees of latitude.The results indicate that there exists a mechanism in P. abies that operates during embryo development and adjusts the timing of bud set in accordance with the temperature conditions in which the mother tree lives. This in turn counteracts negative effects of gene flow among populations located along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients.