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Roundwood timber is raw material for numerous products. Wood based products are generally recognised as favourable regarding energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Several studies have shown that the net CO2 emissions can be reduced by using biofuels harvested from forests to substitute fossil fuels, and by using wood for building materials. Energy use and GHG emissions associated with producing roundwood can be influenced by a broad range of factors, such as silvicultural practice, topography, applied technology, forestland ownership, industrial structure, etc. This emphasizes the importance of using representative data for energy use and GHG emissions when calculating environmental impacts. The aim of this study was to investigate the embodied energy and life cycle GHG emissions of industrial softwood sawlogs in Norway, covering the production chain from tree seed to log yard. Analyses were based on activity data for the Norwegian forest sector for the year 2007. The results showed that the embodied energy and GHG emissions were low compared with the energy and CO2-equivalents stored in the roundwood (about 2%). The findings from this study can be used to inform future decisions on processes in forestry that should be focused on when planning actions to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions. Additionally, as roundwood timber is raw material for numerous products the results can be useful when preparing documentation of environmental impacts, such as environmental product declarations, which are increasingly demanded by the market.

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Traditional wood preservatives based on biocides are effective against wood-deteriorating organisms because of their toxicity. By contrast, modified woods are non-toxic by definition. To investigate the efficiency of various wood modifications, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was used to profile the DNA amounts of the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor (L.) [Lloyd strain CTB 863 A] during an 8-week-long growth period in treated Pinus sylvestris (L.) sapwood. The studied wood was modified by acetylation, furfurylation, and thermal treatment. The traditional wood preservatives bis-(N-cyclohexyldiazeniumdioxy)-copper (Cu-HDO) and chromated copper arsenate (CCA) were used as references, whereas untreated P. sylvestris (L.) sapwood served as a control. The maximum levels of fungal DNA in native wood occurred at the end of the experiment. For all wood treatments, the maximum fungal DNA level was recorded after an incubation period of 2 weeks, followed by a decline until the end of the trial. For the preservative-treated woods, Cu-HDO showed the lowest level of fungal DNA throughout the experiment, indicating that exploratory hyphal growth is limited owing to the phytotoxicity of the treatment. The other treatments did not inhibit the exploratory hyphal growth phase. We conclude that qPCR studies of hyphal growth patterns within wood should provide a powerful tool for evaluating and further optimizing new wood protection systems.


I 2008 ble to forsøksfelt etablert i Rinnleiret og Ørin naturreservat i Nord-Trøndelag for å studere metodikk for bekjemping av rynkerose (Rosa rugosa). Oppdragsgiver var Direktoratet for naturforvaltning. Målet med prosjektet var å øke kunnskapen om bekjempelse av rynkerose ved å utvikle metoder og forsøksoppsett for mekanisk og kjemisk bekjempelse av rynkerosekratt i verneområder. Resultatene viser at tidspunkt for nedkapping og sprøyting er viktig. I forsøket hvor kun mekanisk fjerning av rynkerose ble brukt, viser resultatene at det er nødvendig å rydde krattene flere ganger i løpet av vekstsesongen. Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene etter to år med gjentatte behandlinger og en sluttrevisjon det påfølgende året. Ingen av tiltakene som ble gjennomført i forsøkerutene førte til fullstendig fjerning av rynkerose. To år med kontrolltiltak mot denne arten er for lite og bekjempelsen må følges opp systematisk over flere år dersom en skal lykkes i å fjerne rynkerose fra verdifulle kysthabitater. Det vil kunne gi verdifull tilleggsinformasjon om langtidseffekten av tiltakene dersom et par av de mest lovende behandlingene ble valgt ut for storskala praktisk forsøk.


Burot (Artemisia vulgaris) har de siste årene spredt seg raskt og er til stor sjenanse for mange. Ikke bare er den et plagsomt ugras, men den utgjør også et helsemessig problem. Norges Astma- og Allergiforbund (NAAF) regner med at 200.000 mennesker er allergiske mot burotpollen. Pollenet spres med vinden, men i et lavt luftsjikt og sjelden lengre enn 100-200 meter. Det vil derfor være effektivt å bekjempe burot lokalt, for å begrense allergiproblemer knyttet til burot nær barnehager, skoler, idrettsanlegg, boligområder og helseinstitusjoner.


Advantages:•Better animal welfare •Better utilization of local wood resources, preserve open landscape •Easy to combine with bio energy production •Flexible buildings, economy? •Local added value Challenges:•Optimise composting process •Manurial value •Competence •Effective production of woodchips

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I dette prosjektet har Bioforsk Nord Tjøtta prøvd ut Revira Viltstopp som et forebyggende tiltak mot elgpåkjørsler langs jernbanen. Vintersesongen 2009/10 ble produktet prøvd ut på en strekning på 15 km, mellom Harran og Lassemoen. I følge våre resultater ser ikke produktet ut til å ha en ønsket forebyggende effekt i denne sammenheng. Prosjektet ble finansiert av Jernbaneverket.


Large volumes of spruce-dominated forests established on steep terrain are maturing in western Norway. The level of harvesting needed in utilising these forests calls for investments in cable yarding, processing and transport systems, and updated knowledge on the appropriate technology for Norwegian conditions. In the yarding-processing-truck transport operation, the processor cannot operate if the cable yarding system does not supply trees at a sufficient rate or when the buffer storage becomes full. As a result, the productivity of the whole system is often substantially lower than those of the individual parts in the system. Discrete-event simulation has been applied successfully in the analysis of a wide variety of wood harvesting and transport systems, where the productivities of different parts in the supply chain are interlinked .....