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The relationship between the quality of forest seedlings and their outplanting survival and growth has long been recognized. Various attributes have been proposed to measure the quality of planted seedlings in forest regeneration projects, ranging from simple morphological traits to more complex physiological and performance attributes, or a combination thereof. However, the utility and meaning of seedling quality attributes can differ significantly among regions, nursery practices, site planting conditions, species and the establishment purpose. Here, forest scientists compiled information using a common agreed questionnaire to provide a review of current practices, experiences, legislation and standards for seedling quality across 23 European countries. Large differences exist in measuring seedling quality across countries. The control of the origin of seed and vegetative material (genetic component of plant quality), and control of pests and diseases are common practices in all countries. Morphological attributes are widely used and mandatory in most cases. However, physiological attributes are hardly used at the operative level and mainly concentrated to Fennoscandia. Quality control legislation and seedling quality standards are less strict in northern European countries where seedling production is high, and quality control relies more on the agreements between producers and local plant material users. In contrast, quality standards are stricter in Southern Europe, especially in the Mediterranean countries. The control of seedling quality based on plantation and reforestation success is uncommon and depends on the conditions of the planting site, the traditional practices and the financial support provided by each country. Overall, European countries do not apply the “target seedling concept” for seedling production except for seed origin. Seedling production in many countries is still driven by traditional “know-how” and much less by scientific knowledge progress, which is not adequately disseminated and transferred to the end-users. Our review highlights the need for greater harmonization of seedling quality practices across Europe and the increased dissemination of scientific knowledge to improve seedling quality in forest regeneration activities.

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Planting healthy seedlings with optimal growth potential is essential for proper growth and survival in forest regeneration. Assessing the seedling quality prior to planting is therefore important. In this Icelandic study, effects of root damage induced with artificial freezing in young Russian larch seedlings were examined using the root growth capacity method (RGC). Frost tolerance of roots varied during the winter, and root growth in undamaged seedlings fluctuated, indicating seasonal variations in growth rhythm. The LT50 value for root frost tolerance was −13.9°C in late January, but already at −10.6°C (LT10) root damages were severe. After one growing season, shoot elongation was significantly lower in seedlings frozen to −9°C, −13.5°C, and −15.5°C by 23%, 54%, and 72%, respectively, compared with undamaged seedlings. Control seedlings and seedlings frozen to −9°C achieved 100% survival after the first growing season. Survival in seedlings frozen to −13.5°C and −15.5°C was 85% and 27%, respectively. After the second growing season, survival decreased in all frost-damaged seedlings. The ongoing mortality demonstrates the long-lasting effects of planting seedlings with damaged root systems, and the fluctuation in root frost tolerance of young Russian larch seedlings during winter emphasises the need for care when seedlings are moved to outdoor storage.