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Over the past 40 years, a new multidisciplinary field of study has emerged which is characterised by at least two major changes in the way some scientists treat systems. First, it is increasingly accepted that we cannot fully understand the laws that govern a system simply by studying its parts, nor can we fully understand the behaviour of the parts without placing them in the context of the larger system in which they are embedded. This realization, which has arisen as we face the limits of reductionist science, has given rise to the development of new models and methods that facilitate the study of systems across multiple scales of organization. Second, the notions of equilibrium and predictability in natural systems, developed in the 19th Century and continuously pursued until far into the 20th Century, are being rejected in favour of models that embrace variability, diversity, continual change and adaptation as the status quo. Traditional analytical models that assume a stable equilibrium are being replaced by new approaches that facilitate the exploration of a system’s natural range of variation and its possible emergent responses to changing external conditions. The implications of this new field, now known as complexity science, are manifest across disciplines, fundamentally changing the way we study, analyze and perceive natural systems. We provide an overview of complexity science in the context of forest management.

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The quality of surface water and groundwater is closely related to flow paths in the vadose zone. Therefore, dye tracer studies are often carried out to visualise flow patterns in soils. These experiments provide images of stained soil profiles and their evaluation demands knowledge in hydrology as well as in image analysis and statistics. The classical analysis consists of image classification in stained and non-stained parts and calculation of the dye coverage (i.e. the proportion of staining). The variation of this quantity with depth is interpreted to identify dominant flow types. While some feature extraction from images of dye-stained profiles is necessary, restricting the analysis to the dye coverage alone might miss important information. In our study we propose to use several index functions to extract different (ideally complementary) features. We associate each image row with a feature vector (i.e. a certain number of image function values) and use these features to cluster the image rows to identify similar image areas. Because images of stained profiles might have different reasonable clusterings, we calculate multiple consensus clusterings. Experts can explore these different solutions and base their interpretation of predominant flow type on quantitative (objective) criteria.

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Fine roots contribute to net primary production in forests, but knowledge of fine root longevity and turnover is still incomplete and limited to few tree species. In this study, we used minirhizotrons to compare fine root biomass, longevity and turnover of Pinus sylvestris L., Betula pendula Roth and Picea abies (L) Karst. in southern Sweden. Minirhizotron tubes were installed in 2006 and root images were taken in 2007–2010. Soil cores were used to estimate fine root biomass. Soil samples were taken from the humus layer and from 0 to 10 cm, 10 to 20 cm and 20 to 30 cm depth in the mineral soil. Only images from the humus layer and the upper 10 cm of mineral soil were included in root analysis. Spruce has a higher aboveground production than pine and birch in southern Sweden and this was reflected in larger fine root biomass as well as higher fine root biomass production. The annual tree fine root biomass production (humus and 0–30 cm in mineral soil) was 73, 78 and 284 g m−2 in pine, birch and spruce stands, respectively. Thicker fine roots tended to live longer. The majority of the fine roots were thinner than 0.5 mm in diameter, with a turnover rate (KM) of 0.4 year−1. When comparing all fine roots, i.e. all roots 0–2 mm, pine had the highest longevity, 1120 days, compared with 900 days for spruce and 922 days for birch (KM).

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When calculating the Bandt and Pompe ordinal pattern distribution from given time series at depth D, some of the D! patterns might not appear. This could be a pure finite size effect (missing patterns) or due to dynamical properties of the observed system (forbidden patterns). For pure noise, no forbidden patterns occur, contrary to deterministic chaotic maps. We investigate long time series of river runoff for missing patterns and calculate two global properties of their pattern distributions: the Permutation Entropy and the Permutation Statistical Complexity. This is compared to purely stochastic but long-range correlated processes, the k-noise (noise with power spectrum f−k), where k is a parameter determining the strength of the correlations. Although these processes closely resemble runoff series in their correlation behavior, the ordinal pattern statistics reveals qualitative differences, which can be phrased in terms of missing patterns behavior or the temporal asymmetry of the observed series. For the latter, an index is developed in the paper, which may be used to quantify the asymmetry of natural processes as opposed to artificially generated data.