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Due to more restrictive toxicological requirements and increased ecological awareness of consumers, wood preservatives containing harmful biocides are no longer desired on the market. Therefore, research on new environmentally friendly formulations is of great importance. One of the possible solutions is to develop new preservatives based on natural substances, which are harmless to humans, animals and the environment, while biologically active. The aim of the study was to develop new biocide-free preservative systems which increase wood resistance to wood-decaying fungi. The following silanes: [3-(2-Aminoethylamino)propyl]trimethoxysilane (AATMOS), (Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTEOS), and (Aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (APTMOS); caffeine, natural oils and potassium carbonate were chosen as components of new protective formulations, which were planned to be an alternative for traditionally used biocides. Samples of three different wood species (pine, spruce, and poplar) were treated with the new preservative systems and exposed to the brown-rot fungus Coniophora puteana and the white-rot fungus Coriolus versicolor according to EN-113 and EN-839 standards. The obtained results show that wood treated with the water-based formulation consisting of silanes and caffeine (2% caffeine + 5% AATMOS, 2% caffeine + 5% APTEOS) demonstrated the highest resistance to the test fungi. Wood mass loss after exposure to the decay fungi was 1%. All wood species treated with this formulation achieved index 1 (“very resistant”) within durability class acc. to the EN350 standard.


Understanding the influence of weathering factors and the material degradation mechanisms are fundamental for modelling the weathering process of wood. The goal of this work was to investigate the combined effect of time and exposure on the physical-chemical mechanisms of wood weathering. Four exposure directions (North, South, East and West) were investigated. Experimental tests were performed for 28 days through July, which according to previous research is considered as the most severe period for weathering of wood micro-sections. Measurements of samples included: photogrammetry, near and mid infrared spectroscopy, colour measurement, SEM observation and visual assessment. Parameters obtained by measuring the weathered surfaces with various sensors were compared with the subjective visual assessment by an expert evaluator. Algorithm based on multi sensor data fusion allowing calculation of the “weathering indicator” was developed. It was concluded that the progress of degradation is clearly correlated to the solar radiation and the exposure direction seems to have a clear effect on the degradation intensity.


Growth of dark moulds enables the use of a decorative and protective biofinish for wood, showing advantages compared to traditional wood-coatings in terms of sustainability and selfrepair. Based on the formation of a uniform mould covering on oil treated wood during outdoor exposure, the utilisation of a biofinish is in development. Basic information is lacking on the correlation between exposure site and biofinish formation on wood. To evaluate the impact of different locations, a biofinish assessment method was applied on different combinations of wood species and vegetable oil types after outdoor exposure in the Netherlands and Norway. Biofinishes were detected on wood samples made of spruce, pine sapwood and ilomba that were treated with olive oil and on pine sapwood treated with raw linseed oil after one and a half year of outdoor exposure in the Netherlands. More time was needed for biofinish formation on multiple wood-oil combinations for samples exposed in Norway. After two years of outdoor exposure three out of five wood-oil combinations that contained biofinishes in the Netherlands, showed similar results with the samples in Norway. Biofinish formation was not detected at all on untreated wood samples, regardless the wood species or exposure site. Loose fibres were observed on the surface of all untreated samples. It is likely that biofinish formation was prevented by the removal of stained fibres. Analysis of the stain coverage development on the wood samples, including initial stages of biofinish formation, showed a significant effect of exposure time and (oil) treatment on the stain coverage.