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Å gjødsle med nitrogen er et av de få tiltakene som gir en rask effekt på tilvekst og karbonbinding i skog. Riktig utført kan gjødsling gi økt tømmervolum, høyere andel av skurtømmer og god økonomi for skogeier, samtidig som den gir en positiv klimaeffekt. Gode støtteordninger til gjødsling som et klimatiltak har bidratt til at interessen for skoggjødsling nå har økt kraftig. Gjødsling av skog krever kunnskaper hos både skogeier og rådgivningsapparat. Denne håndboka gir informasjon om effekter, og gode råd om valg av bestand og praktisk utførelse, basert på forskning fra Norge og de andre nordiske landene.

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This paper provides an overview of recent developments in remote and proximal sensing technologies and their basic applicability to various aspects of forest operations. It categorises these applications according to the technologies used and considers their deployment platform in terms of their being space-, airborne or terrestrial. For each combination of technology and application, a brief review of the state-of-the-art has been described from the literature, ranging from the measurement of forests and single trees, the derivation of landscape scale terrain models down to micro-topographic soil disturbance modelling, through infrastructure planning, construction and maintenance, to forest accessibility with ground and cable based harvesting systems. The review then goes on to discuss how these technologies and applications contribute to reducing impacts on forest soils, cultural heritage sites and other areas of special value or interest, after which sensors and methods necessary in autonomous navigation and the use of computer vision on forest machines are discussed. The review concludes that despite the many promising or demonstrated applications of remotely or proximately sensed data in forest operations, almost all are still experimental and have a range of issues that need to be addressed or improved upon before widespread operationalization can take place.

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Post-stratified model-assisted (MA) and hybrid (HY) estimators are used with repeated airborne laser scanning (ALS) strip sampling and national forest inventory field data for stratum-wise and overall estimation of aboveground biomass (AGB) stock and change. The study area covered the southern portion of the Hedmark County in Norway. Both MA and HY estimation substantially reduced the uncertainty in AGB change when compared with estimation using the field survey only. Relative efficiencies (relative variance) of 4.15 (MA) and 3.36 (HY) for overall estimates were found. The results suggest the MA estimator for single-time estimation and the HY as more appropriate for change estimation by cover class. With the HY estimator, a nested post-stratification scheme is demonstrated, combining cover classes with change classes, which enables detailed reporting for change according to cause within each cover class, and has the potential to improve the estimation precision. Finally, parametric bootstrapping is demonstrated as an empirical alternative to estimate the model-error component in the HY estimator. The model error estimated with parametric bootstrapping converged to the analytically determined value of the HY estimator within 1000 bootstrap samples.

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Land surface albedo is a key parameter of the Earth’s climate system. It has high variability in space, time, and land cover and it is among the most important variables in climate models. Extensive large-scale estimates can help model calibration and improvement to reduce uncertainties in quantifying the influence of surface albedo changes on the planetary radiation balance. Here, we use satellite retrievals of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surface albedo (MCD43A3), high-resolution land-cover maps, and meteorological records to characterize climatological albedo variations in Norway across latitude, seasons, land-cover type (deciduous forests, coniferous forests, and cropland), and topography. We also investigate the net changes in surface albedo and surface air temperature through site pair analysis to mimic the effects of land-use transitions between forests and cropland and among different tree species. We find that surface albedo increases at increasing latitude in the snow season, and cropland and deciduous forests generally have higher albedo values than coniferous forests, but for few days in spring. Topography has a large influence on MODIS albedo retrievals, with values that can change up to 100% for the same land-cover class (e.g. spruce in winter) under varying slopes and aspect of the terrain. Cropland sites have surface air temperature higher than adjacent forested sites, and deciduous forests are slightly colder than adjacent coniferous forests. By integrating satellite measurements and high-resolution vegetation maps, our results provide a large semi-empirical basis that can assist future studies to better predict changes in a fundamental climate-regulating service such as surface albedo.