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We explored the inter-individual variability in bud-burst and its potential drivers, in homogeneous mature stands of temperate deciduous trees. Phenological observations of leaves and wood formation were performed weekly from summer 2017 to summer 2018 for pedunculate oak, European beech and silver birch in Belgium. The variability of bud-burst was correlated to previous’ year autumn phenology (i.e. the onset of leaf senescence and the cessation of wood formation) and tree size but with important differences among species. In fact, variability of bud-burst was primarily related to onset of leaf senescence, cessation of wood formation and tree height for oak, beech and birch, respectively. The inter-individual variability of onset of leaf senescence was not related to the tree characteristics considered and was much larger than the inter-individual variability in bud-burst. Multi-species multivariate models could explain up to 66% of the bud-burst variability. These findings represent an important advance in our fundamental understanding and modelling of phenology and tree functioning of deciduous tree species.

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The rapidly expanding field of machine learning (ML) provides many methodological opportunities which match very well with the needs and challenges of hydrological research. Due to extended measurement networks, more frequent automatic measurements of hydrological variables, and not the least increasing use of remote sensing products, the era of big data surely has arrived in hydrology. Process-based models are usually developed for certain spatiotemporal scales, not fitting easily to the scope of the new datasets. Automatic methods that learn patterns and generalizations have been demonstrated to be superior in many applications. The chapter provides an overview of some of the most important machine learning algorithms which have been used in the hydrological literature. It will be shown that there is no single best method among them, but instead a spectrum of methods should be utilized, from highly flexible ones to more parsimonious learning methods, depending on the specific hydrological application, research question, and data availability. Most machine learning techniques require a calibration and a validation dataset for training. As these data are usually correlated in time and space, the problem of bias-variance tradeoff arises will be discussed as a simple example. The presentation of ML algorithms, roughly following chronological order, is discussed starting with artificial neural networks through support vector machines to gradient boosting machines. As data streams increase, these and other machine learning techniques will play an ever more important role in hydrology.