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Genetic selection in commercial sheep production has mainly focussed on production traits and to a large extent ignoring behavioural traits, such as response towards predators. The Icelandic leadersheep is a sheep breed selected and known for its special behavioural traits, such as leading the flock and bringing it home from pasture in case of danger. Those traits are also said to be beneficial in areas with a high predator pressure. In this study, it was investigated if there are behavioural differences in sheep flocks with and without a leadersheep present. Behaviour of sheep flocks was observed before, during and after a predator test, in small groups of Icelandic sheep with or without a leadersheep in the group. Eleven groups of Icelandic sheep with six ewes in each group were observed in a test arena while a human, a dog and a drone passed through the pasture. Six of the groups included a leadersheep and the remaining five did not. Groups including a leadersheep spent more time grazing after both the human and dog test, indicating a faster recovering to normal behaviour. They were also located close to the exit during the dog test compared to groups without a leadersheep, fitting well with the assertion that leadersheep bring the flock home in case of danger. During the drone test, groups with a leadersheep however spent more time moving around compared to the other groups. Since the sheep had experienced both humans and dogs before, but not drones, this may indicate that groups with leadersheep recovered quickly from the figurants they had experienced before, but tended to react more in the test which was a new situation. In conclusion, it appears likely that the earlier selection for leader traits in the leadersheep have indeed changed both their own behaviour and also that this has an effect on the behaviour of group members.

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Climate change is expected to accelerate the microbial degradation of the many extraordinary well-preserved organic archaeological deposits found in the Arctic. This could potentially lead to a major loss of wooden artefacts that are still buried within the region. Here, we carry out the first large-scale investigation of wood degradation within archaeological deposits in the Arctic. This is done based on wooden samples from 11 archaeological sites that are located along a climatic gradient in Western Greenland. Our results show that Ascomycota fungi are causing extensive soft rot decay at all sites regardless of climate and local environment, but the group is diverse and many of the species were only found once. Cadophora species known to cause soft rot in polar environments were the most abundant Ascomycota found and their occurrence in native wood samples underlines that they are present locally. Basidiomycota fungi were also present at all sites. In the majority of samples, however, these aggressive and potentially very damaging wood degraders have caused limited decay so far, probably due to unfavorable growth conditions. The presence of these wood degrading fungi suggests that archaeological wooden artefacts may become further endangered if climate change leads to more favorable growth conditions.

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Råstoff fra skog er en viktig brikke for det grønne skiftet i Norge. Trebaserte bygningsmaterialer edfører som hovedregel lave utslipp i produksjonen og bidrar dessuten til lagring av karbon i et byggs levetid. Hvis materialene ombrukes som de er eller materialgjenvinnes, vil treprodukter kunne bindekarbon langt utover en bygnings standardiserte levetid på 60 år. Trematerialer kan anvendes i alle typer bygninger og bygningsdeler, og det er et stort potensial for å øke andelen trematerialer i bygninger. Internasjonale og norske studier viser at potensialet er størst ved å bruke trevirke i langlevde produkter slik som bygningers bærekonstruksjoner. Norge har lang tradisjon for å bygge med tre, og er også et foregangsland når det gjelder innovativ bruk av tre i bygg. Kommunal sektor spiller en viktig rolle i arbeidet med å utvikle metoder og eksempler på bygninger med lavt klimagassfotavtrykk gjennom sin livssyklus, der utslipp knyttet til materialer, bygge- og anleggsfasen, tomteoppbearbeidelse, energibruk i drift, transport i drift og demontering/avhending inngår i vurderingene. Bruk av materialer som har lavt utslipp i produksjon og samtidig lagrer karbon, er viktige tiltak for raskt å begrense menneskeskapt klimagassutslipp....