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NIBIOs ansatte publiserer flere hundre vitenskapelige artikler og forskningsrapporter hvert år. Her finner du referanser og lenker til publikasjoner og andre forsknings- og formidlingsaktiviteter. Samlingen oppdateres løpende med både nytt og historisk materiale. For mer informasjon om NIBIOs publikasjoner, besøk NIBIOs bibliotek.


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Environmental assessments are required prior to remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites. To date, regulatory guidelines are commonly based on total concentrations. Occasionally, simple leaching procedures are included in environmental assessment. Despite being essential for quantification of contaminant transport, analysis of hydraulic conductivity is rarely considered. Cost-effective methods that reflect both contaminant leaching and hydrogeological properties of contaminated soils are needed to ensure proper soil management. The aim of this study was to simultaneously evaluate contaminant leaching and hydraulic conductivity in soil using a combined column test (CCT) and compare this to the leaching results from batch tests (BT) and transport estimates derived from the empirical Hazen equation. Two soils of different origin were characterized using the CCT. By including physical and chemical factors affecting the release and retention of contaminants, the CCT provides an integrated assessment of leaching and transport of trace elements from soils. Additionally, the effect of soil compaction was investigated as a physical treatment to reduce leaching and transport in contaminated soils. Soil compaction did not demonstrate reduced leaching, but a less extensive contaminant transport was observed due to reduced hydraulic conductivity in the soil.

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In cold climates, the use of de-icing chemicals in the winter can lead to groundwater contamination, especially when used in large quantities, such as at airports. Oslo Airport, Gardermoen, is situated on Norway’s largest rain-fed aquifer. Potassium formate is used to remove ice from runways and propylene glycol from airplanes; the organic parts are degradable. Most of the wells to monitor the spread of de-icing chemicals in the underlying aquifer have well screens near the groundwater level, while the runways and the source of de-icing chemicals are near the groundwater divides, where vertical flow is expected. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the importance of layers and time-varying recharge on the spreading of contaminant plumes in an aquifer near a groundwater divide. This is done with numerical modelling. The model results show increased vertical transport of the added tracer in the presence of horizontal layers, both continuous and discontinuous, in the aquifer. With certain distributions of hydraulic conductivity, Ks, we demonstrate that deeper monitoring wells are required. With the scenarios modelled here, time-varying recharge has a weaker effect on plume distribution. Measured concentrations of potassium and total organic carbon show the cyclic effect of seasonally varying recharge of contaminants, and an asymptotic accumulation of concentration over time, that is consistent with the model runs. In conclusion, groundwater monitoring systems near a groundwater divide should include multi-level samplers to ensure control of the vertical plume movement.


NIBIO, NORSUS og Norwaste har vært involvert i et forskningsprosjekt finansiert av Handelens Miljøfond, som har tatt for seg bionedbrytbar plast og innsamlingsløsninger for matavfall i Norge. Forskerne fant at bionedbrytbar plast i svært liten grad brytes ned i biogassprosessen. Prosjektet pågikk fra juni 2022, sluttrapporten ble levert i august i år. NIBIO valgte de to mest brukte bionedbrytbare plastposene i Norge, og kjørte laboratorieforsøk der man så på nedbrytningen av disse under anaerob utråtning (biogassprosessen). Det ble først gjort forbehandling med termisk hydrolyse, og siden forsøk under såkalt termofile og mesofile forhold, altså med varmebehandling. – Vi hadde en ganske lang oppholdstid på 22 dager. Det store spørsmålet var om disse posene brytes ned under slike forhold. Det korte svaret er at det skjer i svært liten grad, sier NIBIO-forsker Claire Coutris til Biogassbransjen.no. Posene merket «hjemmekomposterbare» tapte maksimalt 33 prosent av opprinnelig vekt under termofile forhold, 55 grader. De som var markert «komposterbare i industriell kompostering» hadde et vekttap på 14-21 prosent. – Posene er nedbrytbare, men ikke under anaerob utråtning, sier Coutris. – Ved kompostering ved cirka 60 grader skal de bli borte i løpet av 6 måneder. Komposteringsprosesser foregår over mye lenger tid enn prosesser i biogassanlegg. Det var 4 prosent plast i matavfallet, som tilsvarer det man finner i faktisk produksjon, forteller Coutris. – Sannsynligvis vil det være behov for etterbehandling av biorest selv når matavfallet samles inn i bionedbrytbare poser. – Men vil det være noe problem å kjøre bioresten på jordet med bionedbrytbar plast, hvis den uansett brytes ned på sikt? – Disse posene er nedbrytbare under spesifikke forhold. Industriell kompost holder minst 60 grader i minst 4 uker. Jord holder sjelden mer enn 20 grader, og vi kan dermed ikke forvente at plasten brytes ned fort nok til at den ikke vil akkumuleres i jord. Coutris ser for seg videre forsøk hvor man kan bruke plastbitene fra forsøker i landbruksjord for å se hvor raskt de brytes ned under slike forhold.