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Wounds were experimentally created on the stems of 55-60 years old Picea abies. Infection, spread, and interrelationship of microorganisms, mainly fungi, were studied after 1, 2, and 4 years. The effect on the invading Hymenomycetes of wounding season, number of years since wounding, tree diameter class, height above ground, size and depth of the wound is discussed.


Ascomycetes, Fungi imperfecti, and Bacteria invading experimentally created wounds on stems of 55-60 years old Picea abies were studied after 1,2, and 4 years. The effect of wounding season, number of years since wounding, tree diameter class, height above ground, size and depth of the wounds is discussed. A general discussion is given of all isolated microorganisms, the Hymenomycetes included. Mutual influence of microorganisms is discussed.