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The root-rot causing fungus Heterobasidion annosum can attack both spruce and pine trees and is the economically most damaging pathogen in northern European forestry. We have monitored the H. annosum S-type (fairly recently named H. parviporum) colonization rate and expression of host chitinases and other host transcripts in Norway spruce material with differing resistances using quatitative realtime PCR. Transcript levels of three chitinases, representing classes I, II and IV, were monitored. Ramets of two 33-year-old clones differing in resistance were employed as host material and inoculation and wounding was performed. clones in the area immediately adjacent to inoculation. Fourteen days after infection, pathogen colonization was restricted to the area immediately adjacent to the site of inoculation for the strong clone (589), but had progressed further into the host tissue in the weak clone (409). Transcript levels of the class II and IV chitinases increased following wounding or inoculation, while the transcript level of the class I chitinase declined following these treatments. Transcript levels of the class II and class IV chitinases were higher in areas immediately adjacent to the inoculation site in 589 than in similar sites in 409 three days after inoculation, suggesting that the clones differ in the rate of pathogen perception and host defense signal transduction. This an earlier experiments using mature spruce clones as substrate indicate that it is the speed of the host response and not maximum amplitude of the host response that is the most crucial component in an efficient defense in Norway spruce toward pathogenic fungi such as H. annosum.


P.ramorum ble påvist I Norge for første gang i en planteskole i 2002. Etter første funn har patogenet vært påvist i mange planteskoler og hagesenter over store deler av landet. Det er funnet hovedsakelig på rhododendron, men også på Pieris japonica og Kalmia sp. Det er liten produksjon av rhododendron i Norge. I de fleste tilfeller, er påvisninger gjort i planter importert samme år. I 2005 ble P.ramorum funnet på etablerte busker av Viburnum fragrans og Rhododendron sp. i en privat hage og i flere grøntanlegg på Vestlandet


P.capsici funnet for første gang i agurk i Norge i 2005


Hovedmålsettingen for et nytt brukerstyrt prosjektet (2006-2009) er økt kvalitet og bedre produktivitet i norske prydplanter ved reduksjon i angrepet av rotsjukdommer. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom ulike bedrifter og forskingsinstitusjoner, og det blir gjennomført blant annet med støtte fra Norges Forskningsråd og midler over jordbruksavtalen.