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Informasjon om en arts genetiske variasjon og hvordan variasjonen er geografisk fordelt kan si mye om artens historie. Under istiden vokste grana i sørlige områder i Russland og i fjellområder i Mellom- og Sør-Europa, i såkalte refugier. Granskogene var mer isolert fra hverandre under istiden enn det de er i dag, og ulike genetiske varianter oppsto. Ved å se på dagens geografiske fordeling av genetiske varianter, og kombinere denne med aldersfordelingen av fossilt granpollen, kan vi kartlegge hvilke refugier grana hadde under siste istid og spredningsveiene den fulgte da klimaet ble varmere.

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Genetic parameters were estimated for wood density and spiral grain in two long-term field trials with families of Picea abies (L.) Karst., and for microfibril angle (MfA) and model-predicted wood stiffness (MOEest) at one of the sites. The trials were located at 600-720 m altitude in Norway and the progenies, which were a sample of 13 half-sib families from plus-trees in a breeding population, were 33 years old from seed when measured. Significant genetic variation (p0.05) was found for all wood quality traits. The narrow-sense heritability was estimated to be 0.50 for density (across two sites), 0.38 for MfA, 0.29 for MOEest and 0.37 for spiral grain (across two sites). No significant genotype by environment interactions were found for density or spiral grain (p0.05). Genetic relationships between ring width and wood quality traits were negative for density and MOEest, and positive for MfA. Site index and competition had major effects on wood density and predicted MOEest but not on MfA and spiral grain.


The effect of air pollution from the Petchenganickel industrial complex, northwestern part of the Kola Peninsula, on forest vegetation was studied by combining three dormant monitoring networks in Finland, Russia and Norway, comprising a total of 21 plots that were revisited in 2004. Chemical composition of precipitation was monitored during 2004–2005, and indicated continuing high deposition of heavy metals and SO2 in the border area. The cover of epiphytic lichens on the trunks of downy birch (Betula pubescens) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) was severely affected by pollution, and there was also a consistent negative effect on the abundance and richness of lichens and bryophytes on the forest floor in a more limited area. The effects of pollution on crown condition and stand growth were weak or absent. This study is an important reference for evaluating the effects of the planned renovation of the smelter in Nikel.

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Rynkerose (Rosa rugosa) er I sterk spredning langs kysten i Norge. Det er et stort behov for kunnskap om effektiv og målsettet bekjempelse. Denne rapporten tar for seg resultater fra forsøk gjennomført i Rinnleiret naturreservat og Ørin naturreservat i Levanger og Verdal kommuner. Ulike kjemisk prepater har vært prøvd ut i tillegg til ulike strategier for bruk av glyfosat. Mekanisk nedkapping 1-4 ganger per sesong har også vært prøvd ut. Rynkerose er ikke fullstendig bekjempet med noen av metodene, men resultatene viser at ved en kombinert bruk av glyfosat og mekanisk nedkapping reduseres rynkerosebestanden. Det er behov for å gjennomføre en sluttrevisjon i 2010 for å vurdere de langsiktige effektene av de ulike behandlingene.