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Total mengde dødt virke i produktiv skog i Norge ble estimert til drøyt 90 millioner kubikkmeter i 2010, noe som utgjør cirka 12 kubikkmeter per hektar. Årlig øker mengden av dødt virke med cirka 3 prosent. Selv om dokumentasjonen bygger på varierende registreringsmetoder, er det grunnlag for å konkludere med at mengden død ved har vært økende de siste 90 år. Det antas at økningen vil fortsette framover.

Til dokument


Variable retention harvesting is acknowledged as a cost-effective conservation measure, but previous studies have focused on the environmental value and planning cost. In this study, a model is presented for optimizing harvesting cost using a high resolution map generated from airborne laser scanning data. The harvesting cost optimization model is used to calculate the objective value of different scenarios. By comparing the objective values, better estimates of the opportunity cost of woodland key habitats are found. The model can be used by a forest manager when evaluating what silvicultural treatments to implement or as an input for improving the nature reserve selection problem for woodland key habitats or retention patches. The model was tested on four real-world cases, and the results indicate that terrain transportation costs vary more than reported in the literature and that it may be worthwhile to divide the opportunity cost into its direct and indirect components.