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Local climate conditions have a major influence on the biological decomposition of wood. To examine the influence of different temperature regimes on wood decay caused by the brown rot fungus Postia placenta in wood with differing natural durability, sapwood (sW) and heartwood (hW) of Scots pine, inoculated mini-blocks were incubated for up to 10 weeks at temperatures conducive or above optimal to wood decay. We profiled mass loss (ML) and wood composition, and accompanying changes in wood colonization and transcript level regulation of fungal candidate genes. The suppressive effect of suboptimal temperature on wood decay caused by P. placenta appeared more pronounced in Scots pine hW with increased durability than in sW with low decay resistance. The differences between sW and hW were particularly pronounced for cultures incubated at 30°C: unlike sW, hW showed no ML, poor substrate colonization and marker gene transcript level profiles indicating a starvation situation. As brown rot fungi show considerable species-specific variation in temperature optima and ability to mineralize components that contribute to wood durability, interactions between these factors will continue to shape the fungal communities associated to wood in service.



Bruke av tre som byggemateriale har en lang tradisjon i Norge. Det siste tiåret har vi fått strengere miljøkrav til trebeskyttelsessystemer. Samtidig ser man at nye designløsninger kan skape råteutfordringer i utendørs konstruksjoner. I denne artikkelen testes muligheten for å bruke antioksidanter for å hindre råtesopp i å bryte ned trevirket. Både naturlige antioksidanter fra norske bærsorter og syntetiske antioksidanter ble brukt. Alle prøvene hadde bra opptak av de ulike testløsningene, og alle viste en reduksjon i nedbrytning av trevirke sammenlignet med kontroll. Beskyttelsen virket generelt bedre mot brunråte enn hvitråte. De syntetiske antioksidantene stoppet nedbrytningen ved brunråte og bør vurderes som et additiv i eksisterende og andre trebeskyttelsessystemer for å oppnå økte synergieffekter.


The use of wood in outdoor constructions has long traditions in Norway. In the last decade, the environmentally demands for wood protective systems has become stricter. At the same time, new design solutions are arising that will challenge the decay protection in outdoor constructions. In this article, the potential for antioxidants as a wood protective agent was tested. Both natural and synthetic antioxidants have been used. All samples achieved a sufficient uptake of impregnation agent, and all the tested products showed a reduction in wood decay rate compared to the control. The protections by the antioxidants are more effective against brown rot fungi, than white rot fungi. The synthetic antioxidants stop the fungal degradation of the brown rot fungi, and should be considered as an additive in future and existing wood protective systems.


Utendørs trekonstruksjoner må beskyttes mot vær og vind. Hovedutfordringen er at de fleste norske treslag er svært lite motstandsdyktige mot nedbrytning.


Wood for outdoor decking has a high market share in the Nordic and Baltic countries among private house owners. Important issues for the consumer are maintenance intervals and aesthetic appearance as well as decay resistance. Knowledge and consumer information about these aspects are required to ensure that wood can compete with alternative decking materials. In this paper an accelerated testing of decking, “stapelbädds metoden”, was evaluated after ten years of exposure at Ås, Norway. The test method covers different hazard situations within use class 3. Different preservatives and wood modification treatments were used in addition to untreated Scots pine (sapwood and heartwood) and larch (heartwood). The samples were treated with two different surface treatments. In addition there was one set without any surface treatment. Fungal discoloration and decay was evaluated. This provided new information about performance both on and above ground for a range of different combinations of preservative/modified systems and surface treatments of wood in decking for outdoor use. Generally, there were no significant differences in performance between the surface treatments, both with regard to surface discolouring fungi and decay fungi. For all surface treatments, the samples with rating 3 (heavy attack) in bottom layer in one or several stacks was: Tanalith M, Tanalith M (c), Gori Pres 10, Scanimp, styren, furfurylation, thermal modification, Ultrawood, larch heartwood, pine heartwood and pine sapwood. For all surface treatments, the samples with mean rating ≤ 2 (evident attack) in top and middle layer in one or several stacks was: ACQ 1900, Wolmanit CX 8, Tanalith E7, Gori SC 100, Royal, Royal with pigment, Scanimp, styrene and larch heartwood


Impregneringsmidler beskytter mot sopp- og insektangrep og øker trevirkets levetid. Sammensetningen av impregneringsmidlene påvirker produktegenskapene til de ulike treproduktene.


Improving wood preservation techniques can contribute substantially to reducing waste and avoiding negative environmental impacts. Dr Andreas Treu outlines a promising technique to dramatically reduce or even stop wood degradation altogether by using electro-osmosis. International Innovation is the leading global dissemination resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities, dedicated to disseminating the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level. More information and a complimentary subscription offer to the publication can be found at: www.researchmedia.eu


The objective of the project Winfur (within WoodWisdomNet) was the industrial application of furfurylated wood in the window market. Because of promising results concerning the wood species European beech, common ash, radiata pine and Southern yellow pine it was decided to evaluate material from these species.The material exhibits promising wood water related behaviour. Coating tests showed the coatability with selected commercial products. Additionally, outdoor weathering tests were performed. It is also possible to produce 3-layer scantlings with common gluing systems like PVAc. The resistance against wood destroying fungi increased in a way that the material is suitable for the window application. Different investigations were performed to test the furfurylated material and the results are satisfying.The last step in the project was the production of prototypes for different investigations. The window companies reported no differences between using furfurylated wood compared to untreated wood within the production of the windows. The tests of full scale window prototypes according to seven test standards, e.g. repeated opening and closing and water tightness against driving rain were performed.The production and standardised testing of full-scale window prototypes indicates that the use of furfurylated wood will not cause any problems with fulfilling the criteria for the Scandinavian P-mark and the German RAL certificate. The overall conclusion is that furfurylated wood material is suitable for the window production.