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There is a need for new solutions in wood protection against marine wood borers and termites in Europe. A new solution could be the esterification of wood with sorbitol and citric acid (SCA) since these are inexpensive and readily available feedstock chemicals and have shown protective properties against fungal wood degradation in earlier studies and prevented macrobiological degradation, as shown in this study. Protection of wood products in the marine environment lacks available wood preservatives that are approved for marine applications. Termite infestation is opposed mainly by biocide treatments of wood. Several wood modification systems show high resistance against both marine borers and subterranean termites. However, the existing commercialized wood modification products are costly. Both macrobiological forms of degradation represent a great threat for most European wood species, which are rapidly and severely degraded if not properly treated. This study investigated esterified wood in standard field trials against marine wood borers, and against subterranean termites in laboratory trials in a no-choice and choice test. The treatment showed good resistance against wood borers in the marine environment after one season and against subterranean termites in the laboratory after eight weeks. The low termite survival rate (SR) in the no-choice test during the first week of testing indicates a mode of action that is incomparable to other wood modification treatments.

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Foreliggende rapport er utarbeidet av NIBIO og Civitas på oppdrag for Klima- og miljødepartementet. Oppdraget har vært å beskrive status og barrierer for bruk av lavutslippsmaterialer i byggebransjen i dag, samt mulige tiltak og virkemidler for å øke bruken av slike materialer. Med lavutslippsmaterialer forstås her materialer som gir lave klimagassutslipp. Hva menes med lavutslippsmaterialer og hvordan beregne utslippene? Innledningsvis gjennomgås tilgjengelige beregningsverktøy, standardiserte beregningsmetoder og aktuelle innfallsvinkler for beregning av livsløpsbaserte klimagassutslipp fra materialer, fra henholdsvis sammensatte produkter, bygningsdeler og fra hele bygninger....


Research activities in the field of wood protection in the marine environment in Europe have been limited and do not yet satisfy the need for new approaches to the problem of biodegradation of Wood in seawater. Alternatives to creosote treatment were tested in the marine environment in Moss harbour. Most of the treated products showed high potential as a successful treatment in this use class in the short-term, such as acetylation of wood, treatment with sorbitol and citric acid and encapsulation of wood poles with a plastic envelope. Long-term studies need to determine the service life of these products.