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Measuring energy and matter fluxes between the atmosphere and vegetation using the Eddy Covariance (EC) technique is the state-of-the-art method to quantify carbon exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and their surrounding. The EC equipment is usually mounted onto a flux tower reaching higher than the local canopy. Today, more than 600 flux towers are in operation worldwide. The methodological requirements lead to high sampling frequency (20 Hz) and thus to the production of very long time series. These are related to temperature, wind components, water vapour, heat and gas exchange, and others. In this chapter, the potential of Recurrence Analysis (RA) to investigate the dynamics of this atmosphere-vegetation boundary system is elucidated. In particular, the effect of temporal resolution, the identification of periods particular suitable for reliable EC flux calculations, and the detection of transitions between dynamical regimes will be highlighted.


Interferometric RADAR imagery can play an important role in REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). Interferometric RADAR acquires stereo imagery from which we derive height data. The RADAR heights are located high up in the tree crowns. Height above ground is correlated to forest biomass. Height decreases represent logging, i.e. reduced carbon stock. Height increases represent tree growth, i.e. increased carbon stock.