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Økt interesse fra konsumentene og grossistene, høyere salgspriser og økt tilskudd til økologisk grønnsaksproduksjon har gjort det mer interessant å dyrke økologiske grønnsaker. Viktige forskjeller ligger i avlingsmengde, salgspris, reduserte kostnader til sprøyting og økt arbeidsforbruk. Tiltak som gjøres ved økologisk drift ett år påvirker resultatene i påfølgende år i større grad enn ved konvensjonelt drift; dårlig jordstruktur på grunn av kjøreskader, eller oppformering av ugras reduserer avlingene, og dermed økonomien sterkere.


Hvordan skal man beregne økonomien i grønnsaksdyrking på en gard? Tiltak som gjøres ett år påvirker resultatene i påfølgende år. Dårlig jordstruktur på grunn av kjøreskader, eller oppformering av ugras påvirker avlingene, og dermed økonomien.


In December 2005 a questionnaire survey was conducted at the university hospital in Trondheim, Norway. Patients and personnel expressed that food is important for their health and well-being. Good taste, appearance and right nutrition were mentioned to be important factors for food quality. About 80 % of the respondents were positive or really positive to use organic food at the hospital, even though only around half of them agreed that it is worth the price. Furthermore the absence of pesticides, artificial fertilizers and preservatives in food was ranked to be more important than organic production of food. All respondents seemed to be critical towards the use of pesticides and preservatives in food production and processing.


A project focusing on the introduction of organic and local produced food was initiated at the University Hospital in Trondheim in 2003. By the end of 2006 the aim of serving 30 % organic food has been reached on average for the kitchen. The hospital kitchen produces about 1200 meals every day for 60 divisions at the hospital. The objective of this study is to gain empirical insight into the patients" and nurses" perception of the food served at the hospital, their views concerning food production methods, as well as differences between the groups regarding the two aforementioned issues.


A project focusing on the introduction of organic and local produced food was initiated at the University Hospital in Trondheim in 2003. By the end of 2006 the aim of serving 30 % organic food has been reached on average for the kitchen. The hospital kitchen produces about 1200 meals every day for 60 divisions at the hospital. The objective of this study is to gain empirical insight into the patients" and nurses" perception of the food served at the hospital, their views concerning food production methods, as well as differences between the groups regarding the two aforementioned issues.



Soil mapping by means of the EM38 device is offered commercially in many countries. The most common way to perform the mapping in the field is to tow the instrument on a sled behind a terrain vehicle. This normally involves mounting the instrument at a certain height h above the ground. The measurements of ECa with EM38 are, however, strongly affected by this height. The objective of this research is to find a simple but robust method to correct for the height at which the EM38-measurements were made. Measurements with EM38 were conducted in an field trial with alternative fertilizer applications (0, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1) to spring barley, at two sites with morainic loam in SE Norway; Apelsvoll Research Centre (60°42"N, 10°51"E) and Kise Research Station (60°46"N, 10°48"E). Two weeks after sowing/fertilization in spring 2003 (May 27), ECa was measured at both sites on all five treatments in three of the 20 replicate blocks on the ground and at 20, 40 and 60 cm above the soil surface. In conclusion, the correction functions presented offer theoretical models to correct EM38-measurements when measuring at an instrument height of 20 cm above the ground surface, a height which is within the interval of what is commonly used in practice for mobile operation of the device.