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In studies of consumption of local food specialties individuals' personality are rarely included. In this article we want to expand and give nuances to the understanding of what characterizes these consumers and ask: Are there any common personality traits, or personal characteristics of these consumers? We make use of the Big Five personality model to unpack the relation between individual's personality and choices of local food specialties. This model consists of the following five personal traits: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience. These personality traits are hidden but through questions regarding behavior the traits may be retrieved. In order to construct latent variables to represent measures of these traits, we apply Item Response Theory (IRT). Socioeconomic variables are combined with personality traits in logistic regression models to find the connection between personality and choice of Norwegian local food specialties. The results show that in all models the latent variable Openness to Experience is a significant predictor for choice of local food specialties. This personality trait was one of the most important predictors in all the choices made by the individuals. Openness to Experience is characterized by fantasy, aesthetic sensitivity, attentiveness to inner feelings, preference for variety, and intellectual curiosity.

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The aim of this paper was to determine the factors influencing biogas adoption as a livestock waste management among smallholder farmers in Indonesia. The study emphasized the positive influence of farmer engagement on the technology transfer process. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia by involving 351 respondents who were smallholder practicing the Mixed Crops and Livestock (MCL) farming from 2013 to 2014. The results of Logit regression showed that the biogas technology adoption in Indonesia was influenced by attainment of formal education, women involvement in decision making, number of cattle in the household, household’s income, availability of biogas instalment funding, and the degree of connectedness to stakeholders in the agricultural technology transfer system. The study concluded that the availability of biogas installation funding and better engagement to the technology transfer stakeholders positively influenced the biogas technology adoption among MCL farmers.

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«Nudges» eller såkalte små dytt kan gjøre det lettere for folk å ta bedre valg, som (for eksempel) å spise sunnere, uten å begrense valgfriheten/tilgjengeligheten. Denne studien undersøkte om små endringer eller dytt i en sykehuskantine kunne hjelpe pasienter til å velge sunnere og mer «hjertevennlig mat». Prosjektets mål var å utvikle og teste ut et sett med enkle og lite kostbare «nudging»-metoder som gjør det lettere å velge mer helseriktig mat, å vise om metodene eller tiltakene gav endringer i spiseatferd og lage en praktisk veileder som beskriver resultatene og erfaringene fra prosjektet slik at disse kan brukes av kjøkkenansvarlige på andre spiseplasser.


Purpose The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of embeddedness, highlight its connection with corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies, and argue for its importance in securing and strengthening organizational resiliency. Design/methodology/approach Embeddedness and CSR are both well-researched topics but have been typically addressed on separate literature streams. The paper draws upon this diverse literature to introduce a conceptual framework for embeddedness in CSR. Findings The paper illustrates the importance of embeddedness and how it can enhance existing CSR strategies. A strongly embedded organization becomes deeply rooted on its socio-economic and natural environments, thus setting a symbiotic relationship that extends beyond any narrowly defined business purposes. Strong embeddedness has the potential to increase and further expand any CSR-related benefits while shielding the firm from economic downturns and thus increasing its resilience. Originality/value The paper builds upon CSR literature by incorporating the concept of embeddedness and then proposing how such an approach can strengthen an organization and increase its resilience.