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Høsten 2006 publiserte Norsk institutt for skog og landskap et kunnskapsgrunnlag omkring de faktorer som påvirker avvirkningsnivået nasjonalt. I denne rapporten ble det avdekket ulike behov for å styrke den driftstekniske kompetansen nasjonalt. Spesielt for Norge er de utfordringer som ligger i regionale forskjeller, både når det gjelder ressursgrunnlag og demografiske forhold. Den formidable skogreisingen som fant sted i Norge etter annen verdenskrig bidrar nå til et betydelig potensiale for økt avvirkning. Spesielt er mulighetene for økt avvirkning store i Kyst-Norge. Men her er også utfordringene større, i forhold til mindre og mer utfordrende arealer, og en kort skoghistorikk blant grunneierne.


Tourism is acknowledged to be an important business sector in rural areas. This paper argues that second-home owners constitute an important market segment for businesses that offer nature-based tourism activities. Previous research has shown that a number of factors influence tourist behaviour. This study examined how motivation and demographic variables affect second-home owners\" intention to purchase three different types of activity products: learning, adventure, and hunting products. We found substantial variations in the purchase intentions for these products among second-home owners. These intentions were influenced by push and pull motivations, age, income and educational level. Second-home owners with a high intention of purchasing nature-based tourism activity products tend to be young, high-income, and socially oriented risk takers. Businesses offering nature-based tourism activity products should use a combination of demographic and psychographic variables when they segment the second-home market. Highlights The second-home market is important for nature-based tourism businesses. Their intention to purchase such products are influenced by leisure motives and demographic variables. Recreation experience preferences and reasons for having a second-home in an area influence their purchase intentions. Age and education level have a negative effect on the intention to purchase. Income has a positive effect on the intention to purchase.

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This report deals with results of a survey to 60 farming households in the three villages Magoda, Kichiwa and Ibumila in the Njombe region of Tanzania, about 700 km from Dar es Salaam. The farmers were selected among those that came forward at village meetings and the survey is not representative for farming households in the region. However, it may represent farmers interested in developing their farms and looking for better ways to do farming in the area.