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This report summarises the results from analysis of environmental samples collected at four fire training facilities in Norway: Mongstad oil refinery, Solberg Scandinavian, Gardermoen airport and Rygge Air Station. 40 soil samples including surface and subsoils, 14 samples of earthworm, 3 groundwater samples, 1 stream sample, 4 freshwater sediment samples (dried out ditches), 6 marine sediment samples and 7 samples of Sea snails (Patellidae) were collected. Concentrations of 19 polyfluorinated organic compounds including 6:2 fluorotelomer sulphonate, 4 perfluorsulphonates (C4-C10, including PFOS) and 9 perfluorcarboxylic acids (C6-C14, including PFOA) were determined in the samples.


Forsøket var en delundersøkelse i dokumentasjonen av et nytt avløpsfritt rensekonsept for svartvann fra toalett. På campus til UMB på Ås i Norge ble det under to sommerperioder, to vintrer, en høst og en vårperiode målt fordampning av vann fra et barkbasseng plassert under en betongrampe med to åpne sidevegger. Under sommerforhold ble det målt en fordampning på fra 0,9 til 1,1 kg vann/m2 døgn når vannspeilet lå fra 0 til 10 cm under toppen av barklaget. Når vannspeilet lå dypere sank fordampningen til 0,2 og 0,13 kg vann/m2 døgn. Under vinterforhold ble fordampningen målt til 0,25 kg vann/m2 døgn. Fordampningen på vinterstid skjedde hovedsakelig i mildværsperioder hvor deler av vannet nær overflaten smeltet. For å øke fordampningen bør en større del av barken i umettet sone komme i kontakt med gjennomstrømmende luft ved at overflaten økes ved bruk av barkranker, en aerodynamisk utforming av luftstrømningskanalen over barkbassenget, utformingen av bassenget og eventuell bruk av vifter. Varmekabler kan brukes under vinterforhold for å redusere isdannelse i barkbassenget.


A major challenge in studies on the environmental fate of nanoparticles is to detect their presence and distinguish them from natural nanoparticles and the large variety of amorphous materials present in environmental media. Neutron activation of mineral particles enables the production of radio-labelled NPs without surface modification, and enabling both localisation and quantification within a matrix or organism. The method is extremely sensitive, allowing detection at parts per billion or lower. Thus, any such labelled NP can be detected in individual fractions or compartments in soil or sediments (associated to clay, colloids, humic material, etc) or localized within organisms and their specific tissues following dissection (fish gills, digestive tract, liver, brain, etc) or by autoradiography. An added advantage of gamma-emitting radionuclides is that they do not need separation from the matrix for counting, thus uptake and extraction can be followed on live animals. Thus time-course experiments in vivo may be conducted to study metabolism and exposure, two aspects that are currently lacking in the body of ecotoxicological knowledge about ENPs. This paper will report some of the conditions, advantages and experimental opportunities of using neutron activation as a tool to study ENPs in environmental samples, with demonstration of the application of the technique in studies on Ag and Co nanoparticle uptake and metabolism in the earthworm Eisenia fetida.


A major challenge in studies on the environmental fate of nanoparticles is to detect their presence and distinguish them from natural nanoparticles and the large variety of amorphous materials present in environmental media. Neutron activation of mineral particles enables the production of radio-labelled NPs without surface modification, and enabling both localisation and quantification within a matrix or organism. The method is extremely sensitive, allowing detection at parts per billion or lower. Thus, any such labelled NP can be detected in individual fractions or compartments in soil or sediments (associated to clay, colloids, humic material, etc) or localized within organisms and their specific tissues following dissection (fish gills, digestive tract, liver, brain, etc) or by autoradiography. An added advantage of gamma-emitting radionuclides is that they do not need separation from the matrix for counting, thus uptake and extraction can be followed on live animals. Thus time-course experiments in vivo may be conducted to study metabolism and exposure, two aspects that are currently lacking in the body of ecotoxicological knowledge about ENPs. This paper will report some of the conditions, advantages and experimental opportunities of using neutron activation as a tool to study ENPs in environmental samples, with demonstration of the application of the technique in studies on Ag and Co nanoparticle uptake and metabolism in the earthworm Eisenia fetida.