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The water quality in the western part of Lake Vansjø in south eastern Norway is classified as very poor due to excessive growth of blue green algae. It has been shown that phosphorus (P) losses are high from a subcatchment where potatoes and vegetables are grown on 25 % of the agricultural area. The water quality of the lake is of great concern because it is the drinking water reservoir of 60.000 inhabitants and an important recreation area for people living in the area. An integrated project funded by the government was started in 2008 in order to improve the water quality of the lake. Within this project, the public agricultural management, agricultural advisors, farmers and the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (Bioforsk) collaborate to attain the target of improved water quality. The farmers are encouraged to sign a contract where they will receive a financial support for covering extra costs for committing to a set of restrictions and mitigation options aiming at reduced P losses. Vegetable- and potato fields give large challenges when aiming at reduced P losses. A large part of the research activity is therefore related to possible mitigation options on these fields, e.g. effect of reduced P fertilization on yields and quality of bulb onion (Allium cepa), carrots (Daucus carota) and white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata alba), and evaluation of catch crops as a mitigation option for reduced soil erosion from these fields. Development of constructed wetlands to include filters that adsorb P and measurement of P losses through tile drains are also included in the project.

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Cyanobacteria are suitable for sustainable, solar-powered biotechnological applications. Synthetic biology connects biology with computational design and an engineering perspective, but requires efficient tools and information about the function of biological parts and systems. To enable the development of cyanobacterial Synthetic Biology, several molecular tools were developed and characterized: (i) a broad-host-range BioBrick shuttle vector, pPMQAK1, was constructed and confirmed to replicate in Escherichia coli and three different cyanobacterial strains. (ii) The fluorescent proteins Cerulean, GFPmut3B and EYFP have been demonstrated to work as reporter proteins in cyanobacteria, in spite of the strong background of photosynthetic pigments. (iii) Several promoters, like P(rnpB) and variants of P(rbcL), and a version of the promoter P(trc) with two operators for enhanced repression, were developed and characterized in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. (iv) It was shown that a system for targeted protein degradation, which is needed to enable dynamic expression studies, is working in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. The pPMQAK1 shuttle vector allows the use of the growing numbers of BioBrick parts in many prokaryotes, and the other tools herein implemented facilitate the development of new parts and systems in cyanobacteria.


Emerging compounds are continuously recognized in the environment and many are yet to be evaluated with regard to their environmental level, fate and subsequent biological effects. Most of these chemicals are present at trace level concentration but they can accumulate due to their persitency and special chemical properties. Municipal, hospital, agricultural sewage and leachates from deposits are the major entrance and distribution pathways in environment1-4. Identification and detection of potential sources of emerging compounds in waste water discharges  was performed by GC-MS full scan analysis.


Emerging compounds are continuously recognized in the environment and many are yet to be evaluated with regard to their environmental level, fate and subsequent biological effects. Most of these are high-volume-production chemicals which can accumulate due to their special chemical properties and persistency under ambient environmental conditions. Identification and detection of potential sources of emerging compounds in waste water discharges  was performed by GC-MS full scan analysis.


I løpet av de siste årene har det vært økt oppmerksomhet på de uheldige miljøkonsekvensene som følge av høy fosforavrenning til utsatte vann og vassdrag. I samme periode er innsatsen knyttet til fosforgjødsling styrket betydelig. Som en følge av dette er nå normen for fosforgjødsling til korn, eng/beite og potet redusert og det er utarbeidet en ny og nedjustert korreksjonskurve for fosforgjødsling i forhold til jordas P-AL-nivå. Etter de nye gjødslingsanbefalingene til korn og eng anbefales det å gjødsle med like mye fosfor som det fjernes med avlingene når P-AL er 5-7. Det er mye som tyder på at det gjødsles med fosfor en god del over norm i flere av feltene, spesielt der det er mye husdyr.


Store drensvannvannprøver (5-15 l) ble tatt ut før og etter passering av et leca (Filtralite-P) filter og sedimentet ble oppkonsentrert før det ble tørket og sendt til tynnslippreparering. Mikroskopstudier av disse sedimentene fra drensvann tatt ut før og etter passering av lecafilter viser at filteret holder tilbake partikler større enn leirfraksjonen, mens finfordelt leir har fulgt drensvannet gjennom filteret. Andelen av leir var for alle tidspunkter høyest i utprøven og prøver tatt av filtermaterialet viser at det er avsatt orientert leir på og mellom lecakulene. Vannprøver tatt ut ved utløp av filteret klarner raskere enn vann tatt ut ved innløpet når det står til sedimentasjon, noe som trolig kommer av en homogenisering av partikkelstørrelsen og en økning av innholdet av ioner i vannet etter at det har passert filteret.