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This report shows results from an experiment where it was investigated whether a powder of freeze-dried microalgae (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) had a biostimulating effect on the growth and content of nutrients and antioxidants in basil (Ocimum basilicum). The effect of the microalgae powder was tested as a supplement to either mineral fertilizer or a commercial organic fertilizer. We found no significant effect on the yield of applied microalgae powder, but there was a tendency for a higher yield with added microalgae powder for the treatment with organic fertiliser. This may be due to additional nitrogen supply with the microalgae powder. With mineral fertiliser, there was the opposite tendency, highest yield without microalgae powder. The only statistically significant effect of the microalgae powder was an increase in the concentration of boron for the treatment with organic fertiliser. This was probably an effect of a significant additional supply of boron with the microalgae biomass. There was a tendency for an increased concentration of copper with the addition of microalgae powder with both mineral and organic fertiliser, although the additional copper supply with the microalgae powder was small. With organic fertiliser, there was also a tendency towards increased phosphorus and potassium concentrations with the addition of microalgae powder. This could be a biostimulating effect as the additional phosphorus and potassium supply with the microalgae powder was small, but as mentioned, the effect was not statistically significant. We found no significant differences between the treatments for total antioxidant content.


Rapporten viser gjennomsnittlig kjemisk sammensetning av 30 tørkete fiskeslamprøver fra smolt- og postsmoltproduksjon analysert i tidsrommet 2010 til 2023. Alle prøver var tillatt å bruke som gjødsel etter gjeldende gjødselvareforskrift med mengdebegrensninger pga. sink- og kadmiumkonsentrasjoner. Fiskeslamprøvene inneholdt mye nitrogen og fosfor, men næringsstoffinnholdet var ubalansert sammenlignet med plantenes behov. Spesielt fosforinnholdet var høyt i forhold til nitrogen, kalium og svovel. Regresjonsanalyse viste at nitrogeninnhold og N/P-forholdet i tørket fiskeslam fra smolt- og postsmoltproduksjon har gått ned i perioden 2010 til 2023, mens fosforinnhold, C/N-forholdet og sinkkonsentrasjon har gått opp. Selv om gjødselkvaliteten har gått ned over tid og nedgangen kan skyldes redusert andel fôrrester og økt andel ekskrementer, må det fra et ressursperspektiv være et overordnet mål at mest mulig fôr blir til fisk istedenfor til fiskeslam. Det var ikke tydelige forskjeller i gjødselkvaliteten til fiskeslam fra gjennomstrømnings- og resirkuleringsanlegg.


NIBIO har overvåket og vurdert risikoaspektene ved tungmetallopptak i matplanter gjennom et kunnskapsutviklingsprosjekt som rapporteres her. NIBIO foreslår at det foretas en systematisk kartlegging av alunskiferjord basert på kjemiske analyser. Dette vil dokumentere omfanget samt redusere risiko for overskridelser ved å øke forutsigbarheten for dyrkere. Videre vil det være et viktig grunnlag for å vurdere hvordan EUs nye grenseverdier kan håndteres i Norge, herunder situasjoner med grønsaksavlinger som overskrider grenseverdiene. Sistnevnte vil være av stor betydning for grønnsaksprodusenter i alunskiferområder.

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Birch wood is a potential feedstock for biogas production in Northern Europe; however, the lignocellulosic matrix is recalcitrant preventing efficient conversion to methane. To improve digestibility, birch wood was thermally pre-treated using steam explosion at 220 °C for 10 min. The steam-exploded birch wood (SEBW) was co-digested with cow manure for a period of 120 days in continuously fed CSTRs where the microbial community adapted to the SEBW feedstock. Changes in the microbial community were tracked by stable carbon isotopes- and 16S r RNA analyses. The results showed that the adapted microbial culture could increase methane production up to 365 mL/g VS day, which is higher than previously reported methane production from pre-treated SEBW. This study also revealed that the microbial adaptation significantly increased the tolerance of the microbial community against the inhibitors furfural and HMF which were formed during pre-treatment of birch. The results of the microbial analysis indicated that the relative amount of cellulosic hydrolytic microorganisms (e.g. Actinobacteriota and Fibrobacterota) increased and replaced syntrophic acetate bacteria (e.g. Cloacimonadota, Dethiobacteraceae, and Syntrophomonadaceae) as a function of time. Moreover, the stable carbon isotope analysis indicated that the acetoclastic pathway became the main route for methane production after long-term adaptation. The shift in methane production pathway and change in microbial community shows that for anaerobic digestion of SEBW, the hydrolysis step is important. Although acetoclastic methanogens became dominant after 120 days, a potential route for methane production could also be a direct electron transfer among Sedimentibacter and methanogen archaea.