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Peatlands in the northern hemisphere have accumulated more atmospheric carbon (C) during the Holocene than any other terrestrial ecosystem, making peatlands long-term C sinks of global importance. Projected increases in nitrogen (N) deposition and temperature make future accumulation rates uncertain. •Here, we assessed the impact of N deposition on peatland C sequestration potential by investigating the effects of experimental N addition on Sphagnum moss. We employed meta-regressions to the results of 107 field experiments, accounting for sampling dependence in the data. •We found that high N loading (comprising N application rate, experiment duration, background N deposition) depressed Sphagnum production relative to untreated controls. The interactive effects of presence of competitive vascular plants and high tissue N concentrations indicated intensified biotic interactions and altered nutrient stochiometry as mechanisms underlying the detrimental N effects. Importantly, a higher summer temperature (mean for July) and increasedannual precipitation intensified the negative effects of N. The temperature effect was comparable to an experimental application of almost 4 g N m−2 yr−1 for each 1°C increase. •Our results indicate that current rates of N deposition in a warmer environment will strongly inhibit C sequestration by Sphagnum-dominated vegetation.

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The collapse of the Soviet Union in the Central Asian countries has led to enormous challenges for them in ensuring a sustainable environment. Weak economies and lack of expertise in environmental sciences were important reasons for the Norwegian support to the environmental sector in this region. The State Forest Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Norwegian Forestry Group initiated the TEMP project, later renamed TEMP-CA, in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2004. Activities in the Republic of Tajikistan were included in 2007 and in the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2008. […]


Vegetasjonsovervåkingen i granskog ble etablert ved Norsk institutt for jord- og skogkartlegging (fra 2006: Norsk institutt for skog og landskap) i 1988 (T. Økland 1990, 1996). Samme år ble det også etablert tilsvarende overvåking i Solhomfjell-området (Gjerstad, Aust-Agder i regi av Universitetet i Oslo/Miljøverndepartementet (R. Økland & Eilertsen 1993). I regi av Norsk institutt for jord- og skogkartlegging ble det etablert og analysert to områder pr år fra 1988 til 1992, til sammen 10 områder. Flatene i Paulen ble første gang analysert i 1990. Etter 2004 har Direktoratet for naturforvaltning finansiert vegetasjonsovervåkingen i granskog gjennom TOV-programmet, men i noe redusert omfang (ett område pr år). Metodene for overvåkingen av markvegetasjon ble i 1988 utviklet for å overvåke effekter av langtransportert luftforurensing, men har også vist seg godt egnet til å fange opp effekter av klimaendringer på markvegetasjonen (se for eksempel T. Økland et al. 2001, 2004a,b, 2007, 2008, 2009b, Nordbakken et al. 2010). De permanente vegetasjonsflatene i Paulen har tidligere vært analysert i 1990, 1995, 2000, og 2005. Reanalyseringen i 2010 var således 5. gangs analyse av disse flatene.