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The coastal heath region along the western coast of Norway, dominated by Calluna vulgaris, is undergoing rapid change. Vegetation changes are caused by changes in management, including reduced frequency or abandonment of periodic heath burning and reduced cutting and grazing. The islands of Froan, in the outermost part of Sør-Trøndelag County in mid-western Norway, are dominated by coastal heath in a state of recession due to reduced traditional land use. The coastal heath is acknowledged as vulnerable and valuable by national environmental authorities, and local landscape management is supported by different national subsidies. The authors mapped the vegetation on Froan and used rule-based GIS-modelling to predict the relative potential for future vegetation changes. The model was based on a range of map layers, including management themes such as history of heath burning and peat removal, current practices of sheep grazing, and also themes derived from the vegetation map, such as soil nutrients, soil moisture and present management status. The resulting model output provides relative probabilities of future changes under different land-use scenarios, and highlights where management efforts should be focused in order to maintain the traditional landscape character.


The conference «Mapping and Monitoring of Nordic Vegetation and Landscapes» took place in Hveragerði, Iceland from the 16th to the 18th of September 2009. The 105 participants from 15 countries contributed with 50 oral presentations and 19 posters. This special edition of «Viten», published by the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, presents the conference proceedings, containing 32 articles and 13 posters. We wish to thank the participants for their contributions to both the conference and this report! .....


Artikkelen diskuterer forvaltning av verneområder med utgangspunkt i det omstridte verneområdet i øygruppa Froan, Frøya kommune, Sør-Trøndelag.


AR18×18 is an area frame survey of land resources in Norway, methodologically linked to the Lucas survey carried out by Eurostat (Eurostat 2003). The purpose of the survey is to establish an unbiased and accurate land cover and land use statistic providing a description of the state of land resources in Norway. The survey will also provide a baseline for future reports regarding changes in land resources – a national land resource accounting system. AR18×18 is based on Lucas (Land use/cover agricultural survey), a European area frame survey carried out in the EU countries by Eurostat. The sampling units of Lucas are points located on the intersections of an 18 × 18 kilometer grid mesh throughout Europe. Each of these points is the centre of a Primary Statistical Unit (PSU) of 1500 × 600 meters. The Lucas survey is carried out on ten sample points scattered within each PSU. The Norwegian modification of Lucas is to add a land cover survey of the whole PSU following the Norwegian system for vegetation and land cover mapping at intermediate scale (1: 20,000). [...]



Høgskolene bør satse mer på etterutdanning i distriktene. Undervisningen bør tilpasses arbeidstakere gjennom en desentralisert modell hvor lokale opptak og helgeundervisning står sentralt.


Denne artikkelen beskriver kort resultatene av et kartleggingsarbeid gjennomført i Froan, Frøya kommune, Sør-Trøndelag. Vegetasjon, arealbruk og skjøtsel er kartlagt. Resultatene fra våre funn presenteres og settes inn i større bruk-vern sammenheng.


Populærvitenskapelig framstilling av resultater fra et kartleggingsprosjekt om bruk og vern av utsatte kystområder. Studielokalitet er Froan i Sør-Trøndelag. Resultatene inngår i et større forskningsprosjekt styrt av Norsk senter for bygdeforskning (Coast-Scenes).