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The influence of light quality on the proliferation of embryogenic tissue of three genotypes of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst), with different capacities for mature somatic embryo production, was studied.The proliferating tissues were subjected to light from commercially available light sources: Philips TLD Warm White 36W/29, Philips TLD Blue 18W/18, Philips TLD Red 36W/15, Osram L Fluora 36W/77 and Sylvania Far Red 7080, for 18 h a day with the photon flux (PAR) at 30 mol m-2 s-1.The effect of light quality on the growth of embryogenic tissue was strongly genotype dependent. In genotype 164-4 tissue proliferation was strongly inhibited by blue and red light. Genotype 86:52 reacted in a similar way, but not as strongly as 164-4, whereas the tissue of genotype 186-3 was almost insensitive to light quality and grew fast in all light conditions.


Structural changes in the sawmilling industry imply more wood transport as distance between sawmills is increasing. One of the factors that determines the potential for economies of scale is the trade-off between reduced production costs and increased transport costs. The methods used in this study are based on geometric properties of wood procurement areas.The effects of the distribution of forest (area coefficient) and the road net (winding coefficient) upon average transport distance was explored, and considerable regional variation was found.The transport net factor (t) is the product of the area coefficient (a) and the winding coefficient (w) and gives a relative measure of the potential for efficient procurement logistics with respect to the distribution of productive forest area and the road net. The transport net factor is estimated for two wood procurement areas in each of four regions.When studying the sawlogs procurement in regions with different density of sawlogs buyers, average transport distance increases relatively more in areas where several buyers are competing for a limited timber supply than in areas with few competitors.


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Hovedmålet med prosjektet var å utvikle nye rutiner for beregning av veianleggs lønnsomhet og kostnadsfordeling mellom interessentene. Lønnsomhetsberegningene gjennomføres ved å kartlegge innsparingene på grunn av redusert transportavstand før dette settes opp mot anleggskostnadene. For konstnadsfordelingen er "Hedmarksmodellen" forsøkt gjort mer eksakt ved å utvikle en nye metode for å fastsette beliggenhetsfaktoren. På bakgrunn av resultatene er det utarbeidet et dataprogram (Excel applikasjon) som utfører lønnsomhetsberegninger og kostnadsfordeling av skogsveianlegg. I programmet kan man foreta kostnadsfordelingen ved hjelp av Hedmarksmodellen eller transportgevinstmetoden. Dataprogrammmet utfører også følsomhetsanalyser hvor man tester hvordan enkeltfaktorer slår ut på hovedresultatene. Med dette kan planleggeren kunne se hvilken effekt de ulike forutsetningene gir og hvulke faktorer som har størst innvirkning på resultatene.


An efficient Biolistic transformation technology was developed to stably transform Picea abies (L.) Karst. Several embryogenic tissue lines were tested for proliferation on standard embryogenesis media. Transient transformation studies with these lines were performed to optimize the parameters for genetic transformation. Selection conditions for transgenic tissue based on the nptII resistance gene in combination with the antibiotic geneticin were defined such that only transgenic P. abies lines were able to develop. Nontransgenic tissue was completely inhibited under these conditions. Stable integration of a uidA reporter gene and a nptII resistance gene into the genome of P. abies was achieved and more than 200 mature embryos were regenerated for every transformation event. Histochemical and fluorometric analysis indicated strong expression of the uidA gene in transgenic material. ELISA studies to detect and quantify the nptII gene product as well as polymerase chain reaction and Southern blotting confirmed the presence and integration of uidA and nptII genes into the P. abies genome. Transgenic P. abies plants from nine independent transformation events were recovered and are currently growing in a greenhouse for genetically modified organisms, awaiting field release.


Strukturelle endringer i trelastindustrien medfører økt transportarbeid. Stordriftsfordelene er resultat av en avveining mellom reduserte produksjonskostnader og økte kostnader for tømmertransport. Med betydelige variasjoner med hensyn til både transportavstand og transportkostnad per tonnkm, kan stordriftsfordelene variere mellom regioner. Forholdet mellom virkesforbruk og gjennomsnittlig transportavstand ble undersøkt som første del av et kommende doktorarbeid innen logistikk, der de regionale forskjellene ble kvantifisert.