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Six experimental sites in the coastal spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) forest of central Norway were investigated. A comparison of different silviculture systems was performed based on the present situation of mature stands, and a single tree selection system, a group system and a clearcutting system were studied. The diameter distribution shows the classical inverse J-shaped curve at five of six sites. The mean tree volume removed in the selection system was 0.6 m3, and about 0.3 m3 for the other two methods. The harvesting cost was about 14 Euro/m3 for clearcutting, and about 10% higher for the group and selection systems. In simulations of all future revenues and expenses based on the observed stand conditions, cutting and extraction costs, the net present value (NPV) was app. 15% lower for the group and selection systems compared to clearcutting. A lower stem volume production in uneven-aged stands and higher administration and harvesting costs had only a minor influence on the NPV. One percent higher interest rate lowered the NPV of the group and selection systems to 75% of the clearcutting method.


Two games, called “Wood Supply Games”, are developed based on the structure and dynamics of the Beer Game. The games are intended as student exercises in forestry logistics courses. By introducing divergent and convergent flows in the supply chain, the relevance to the forest sector is increased. Results from pilot experiments of the games are presented and discussed in terms of how different degrees of complexity in supply chain structures may affect their efficiency. Measures of efficiency are accumulated costs, amplification of demand and the sample variance of order rates. Results indicate that supply chain performance is negatively affected by increasing rigidity of constraints at points of divergence. Furthermore, lower degrees of efficiency and predictability are observed as complexity of supply chain structure increases. Testing of results and proposed hypotheses can be accomplished by running numerous replications of the games, or alternatively, by development of appropriate simulation models.