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The Pasvik River experiences chemical, physical, and biological stressors due to the direct discharges of domestic sewage from settlements located within the catchment and runoff from smelter and mine wastes. Sediments, as a natural repository of organic matter and associated contaminants, are of global concern for the possible release of pollutants in the water column, with detrimental effects on aquatic organisms. The present study was aimed at characterizing the riverine benthic microbial community and evaluating its ecological role in relation to the contamination level. Sediments were sampled along the river during two contrasting environmental periods (i.e., beginning and ongoing phases of ice melting). Microbial enzymatic activities, cell abundance, and morphological traits were evaluated, along with the phylogenetic community composition. Amplified 16S rRNA genes from bacteria were sequenced using a next-generation approach. Sediments were also analyzed for a variety of chemical features, namely particulate material characteristics and concentration of polychlorobiphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and pesticides. Riverine and brackish sites did not affect the microbial community in terms of main phylogenetic diversity (at phylum level), morphometry, enzymatic activities, and abundance. Instead, bacterial diversity in the river sediments appeared to be influenced by the micro-niche conditions, with differences in the relative abundance of selected taxa. In particular, our results highlighted the occurrence of bacterial taxa directly involved in the C, Fe, and N cycles, as well as in the degradation of organic pollutants and toxic compounds.


Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra 25 år med faste vannfugltellinger i Øvre Pasvik. Undersøkelsene er gjort i og omkring Pasvik naturreservat – et våtmarksområde som på grunn av sin rike og spesielle vannfuglfauna fikk internasjonal vernestatus som Ramsarområde i mars 1996. Vannfuglfaunaen i området har blitt kartlagt etter stort sett samme metode siden 1996. Som vedlegg til rapporten har vi laget en oppdatert statusoversikt for alle vannfugler som er påtruffet på norsk side i Pasvikdalen sør for Skrukkebukt. For hver art gis opplysninger om forekomst og trekkforhold. Her presenteres også ekstremumsobservasjoner vår og høst, spesielle observasjoner, samt observasjoner av store antall.


Målsettingen for dette forprosjektet var å kartlegge eksisterende kunnskap om jordhelse i arktisk grøntproduksjon, avdekke kunnskapshull og identifisere problemstillinger som bør følges opp med videre forskning. Hva som definerer god jordhelse i Norge er fremdeles uklart, og det er behov for å undersøke hvordan dette konseptet bør anvendes for de ulike produksjonene og regionene i landet. Det arktiske landbruket er særegent og med andre forutsetninger enn næringa ellers i landet grunnet kort vekstsesong og spesielle lysforhold. Til tross for at omfanget av arealet egnet for grøntproduksjon er forholdsvis lite, er det viktig med kunnskap om jordhelse for å kunne bevare disse marginale jordressursene best mulig, også i et endret klima. For å kartlegge eksisterende kunnskap og identifisere kunnskapsbehov har det i denne forstudien blitt gjennomført en litteraturstudie, samt et idéverksted med ulike interessenter fra Nord-Norge. Resultatene fra forstudien viser at det foreløpig eksisterer forholdsvis lite dokumentert kunnskap om jordhelse i arktisk grøntproduksjon. Innspill fra aktører i næringa viser imidlertid at interessen for jordhelsetiltak er økende. Temaer som særlig ble trukket frem i forbindelse med spørsmål om kunnskapsbehov var: mangfold og dynamikk i samfunn av jordorganismer i landbruksjord i Arktis, effekter av å tilføre ulike former for organisk materiale (kompost etc.), metoder for brakking, vekstskifte, dekkvekster og samplanting og metoder for jordbearbeiding.

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Democratizing learning is essential for environmental sustainability. Less privileged areas are crucial in this regard. Informal education has great such potential, but often fails to reach the less privileged, and to document learning. With the objective to identify and counter these issues, we here report on EDU-ARCTIC, an informal open schooling course in environmental science, aimed at European teachers with teenage pupils. Of the 1,181 teachers who enrolled, 73% were females and 43% were from less privileged nations (according to UN Human Development Index). This is a higher share of less privileged (females) than is the case for the general population of Europe. Teachers from less privileged nations also participated in more project activities than did those from more privileged nations, apart from in urban areas. For the project period, the teachers reported a significant increase in all the three categories of aspired learning outcomes for their pupils. We conclude that courses like ours can increase teenagers’ literacy and engagement in science and environmental issues, not the least in less privileged areas. Deliberate efforts are required to reach these target groups, who may be less inclined to join on their own.

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Giant panda could have bamboo as their exclusive diet for about 2 million years because of the contribution of numerous enzymes produced by their gut bacteria, for instance laccases. Laccases are blue multi-copper oxidases that catalyze the oxidation of a broad spectrum of phenolic and aromatic compounds with water as the only byproduct. As a “green enzyme,” laccases have potential in industrial applications, for example, when dealing with degradation of recalcitrant biopolymers, such as lignin. In the current study, a bacterial laccase, Lac51, originating from Pseudomonas putida and identified in the gut microbiome of the giant panda’s gut was transiently expressed in the non-food plant Nicotiana benthamiana and characterized. Our results show that recombinant Lac51 exhibits bacterial laccase properties, with optimal pH and temperature at 7–8 and 40°C, respectively, when using syringaldazine as substrate. Moreover, we demonstrate the functional capability of the plant expressed Lac51 to oxidize lignin using selected lignin monomers that serve as substrates of Lac51. In summary, our study demonstrates the potential of green and non-food plants as a viable enzyme production platform for bacterial laccases. This result enriches our understanding of plant-made enzymes, as, to our knowledge, Lac51 is the first functional recombinant laccase produced in plants.