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A meta-analysis based on experiments in organically cultivated grasslands in Norway was conducted to quantify the effects of management factors on herbage yield and feed quality. A dataset was collected that included 496 treatment means from experiments in five studies carried out at eight locations with the latitude range of 58.8 to 69.6 N between 1993 and 2010. We tested the effect of harvesting system (two vs. Three cuts annually), plant developmental stage at the first cut, growth period (temperature sum) and the herbage clover proportion. Plant maturity at the first cut and herbage clover proportion explained to a large extent herbage yield and quality of the first cut and annual yield. The timing of the first cut influenced also the yield and herbage quality of the second cut. The analysis confirmed the importance of legumes performance for herbage yield and quality from grasslands in organic production. Estimated annual herbage DM yield harvested at standardized plant development stage and at average clover proportion was 9%higher in the two—compared to the three-cut system. The crude protein concentration and in vitro dry matter digestibility was 17 and 3 % higher and the NDF concentration 7 % lower in the annual herbage from the three-cut than from the twocut system, respectively. The empirical equations developed in this study may be applied to explore different options for grassland management as basis for ration and production planning and in scenario analysis of economic performance of individual and model farms. The equations do also reveal in numeric terms the tradeoffs in management practice between high yields, yield digestibility, NDF and crude protein content in organic forage production relying on red clover N2 fixation as the engine in the system.


Eight experiments with cultivars (cvs.) of grass and clover species were established in the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden to evaluate important forage species and cvs. in terms of yield potential, persistence and adaptation to variable climate in the West Nordic countries. Timothy had on average the highest spring cover after three years of trial together with smooth meadow grass (cv. Knut), whereas perennial ryegrass had the lowest spring cover after three years. On average cocksfoot (cv. Laban) and timothy (Grindstad related cvs.) gave the highest yield, 8.85 and 8.71 t ha-1, respectively, and smooth meadow grass and common bent grass the lower yields, 7.52 and 7.30 t ha-1, respectively. The results from these experiments show that we have a wide range of species and cultivars usable in the West Nordic areas. We can meet an increase in temperature to a certain level by moving the more southern species and cvs. farther north, however, our most winter hardy cvs. are still important to maintain.