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The aim of the present work was to investigate the potential of Porphyra sp. as an alternative source of protein to soybean meal in diets for sheep. Our experimental treatments included a control diet (CON) based on grass silage and crushed oats and three diets containing protein supplements, clover silage (CLO), soybean meal (SOY) or Porphyra sp. (POR) to increase dietary crude protein concentrations. We studied its effects on rumen fermentation, growth rate and methane emissions. Ruminal fermentation characteristics, kinetics of gas production and methane production were studied in vitro by using batch cultures inoculated with rumen inoculum from sheep. There were no differences among diets in total volatile fatty acids (VFA) production or in the VFA profile in vitro. Across treatments, we measured no differences in methane production either in vitro or in vivo, and we saw no noticeable antimethanogenic effect of Porphyra sp. The present in vivo trial with lambs showed no differences in average daily weight gain when fed diets including Porphyra sp. or soybean meal diets (250 and 254 g/d, respectively). We conclude that Porphyra sp. has a protein value similar to high-quality protein sources like soybean meal.

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Jordbruksarealet i Timefeltet domineres av eng. I 2017 var fosforgjødslingen i gjennomsnitt 3,9 kg/daa, hvorav det meste kom fra husdyrgjødsel og 0,3 kg/daa fra mineralgjødsel. Nitrogengjødslingen var i gjennomsnitt på 28,4 kg/daa. Vannføringsveide konsentrasjoner av suspendert stoff og fosfor i vannprøver fra Timebekken var betydelig høyere enn middelet for overvåkingsperioden, og konsentrasjoner av nitrogen lavere enn middelet. Det var betydelig mer nedbør sommer og høst enn middelet for overvåkingsperioden, og høy avrenning og stort fosfortap om høsten.

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Dette er en forvaltningsoppgave som gjennomføres på oppdrag fra Mattilsynet (www.mattilsynet.no). Målet er å framskaffe resultater for godkjenning av nye sorter for opptak på offisiell norsk sortsliste. Prøvingen er en kontinuerlig, ikke tidsavgrenset prøving. Flerårige arter legges ut to ganger med tre registrerings- og høsteår etter hvert utlegg. Ettårige arter prøves i tre år. Artene blir som hovedregel prøvd i fem distrikter; Østlandet, Fjellbygdene, Vestlandet, Midt-Norge og Nord-Norge. I 2019 var det kandidatsorter av artene timotei, engsvingel, rødkløver, flerårig raigras og italiensk raigras som var ferdig testet. I alt 12 sorter var ferdig testet. To kandidatsorter av rødkløver ble anbefalt godkjent.


Several scientific groups have concluded that the use of biochar as an on-farm management tool for carbon sequestration should be further investigated. Review articles also pinpoint the use of biochar to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the entire agricultural production, and this should be studied using whole-chain models. Biochar is added to animal diets with the main purpose of enhancing animal health. There are indications that biochar fed to ruminants may reduce enteric methane emission. Twenty-four ewe lambs were fed one of two diets, a control diet (no biochar) and a biochar diet (1.4% biochar). There were no differences in dry matter intake and average daily growth rate between animals. An expected reduction in enteric methane emissions from animals fed the biochar diet was not detected. We conclude that the effect on enteric methane emissions may depend on structure and properties of the biochar offered. We suggest further research on biomass and pyrolysis of biochar to accommodate several properties as a feed additive for farm animals.