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Several studies conclude that permanent and temporary swards are equally productive, given equal management. In Norway, one experimental field trial has been maintained since 1974 (Fureneset; 61°18’N, 5°4’E). This ongoing experiment includes long-term/permanent ley (no-tillage over 25 and 45 years) next to temporary leys reseeded regularly. The objective of the study was to test reseeding/ renovation methods that may maintain long-term forage productivity. We hypothesized that sod seeding after chemical fallowing improves grassland productivity equally to that from reseeding after ploughing. In 2017, the frequently ploughed treatments, and half of the 25-year-old sward, were renewed by ploughing and reseeding with grass-clover seed mixtures. The second half of the 25-year-old sward was chemically fallowed and sod-seeded. The treatments included three different fertilizer strategies: mineral fertilizer (210 N kg ha-1) and cattle slurry in combination with mineral fertilizer (210 and 340 kg total-N kg ha-1). On average for four production years (2018-2021) the dry matter yield (DMY) of permanent sod-seeded 25-year-old ley was about 11 t ha-1, and these yields were equal to swards renewed by ploughing and reseeding.


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