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Naturtypen artsrik slåttemark er sterkt trua ifølge Norsk rødliste for naturtyper, og ble i 2011 utvalgt naturtype (UN) med en viss beskyttelse gjennom lov om Naturmangfold. På oppdrag for Statsforvalteren i Troms og Finnmark fikk NIBIO v/Ellen Elverland, i 2021 i oppdrag å utforme skjøtselsplanen for den ca. 12 daa store slåttemarka i Laukvika i Karlsøy kommune. Slåtteenga har verdi B. Utarbeiding av skjøtselsplanen har bestått i besøk på lokaliteten, samtaler med grunneier, befaring av området og naturkartlegging utført av Hilde Riksheim Tandstad i Sállir Natur AS. Skjøtselsplanen er utarbeid i samarbeid med Tone Kanestrøm og Per-Ludvig Kanestrøm.


Sandjord har lite kationebytekapasitet og lite lagerkapasitet for næringsstoff som kalium. Kalium er mellom anna viktig i innvintringa, og ei ekstra kalium-gjødsling om hausten kan derfor i teorien hjelpe enga å klare seg gjennom vinteren. Dersom me gjødsla med 6 kg ekstra kalium ut over gjødselplan, anten før eller etter sisteslått, fekk me ikkje sikker meiravling i førsteslåtten til 13 feltforsøk på sandjord med låg syreløyseleg kalium. Me har ikkje funne effekt av kaliumgjødsel til eng på sandjord seint i sesongen. Årsaka til dette resultatet botnar truleg i at kaliumforsyninga til engvekstane har vore tilstrekkeleg med gjødsling etter gjødselplanen.

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NIBIO, avdeling Fôr og husdyr, har i samarbeid med Norsk landbruksrådgiving (NLR) testa sortar av strandsvingel (Kora og Swaj) og engsvingel (Vestar) i blanding med timotei (Liljeros). Desse frøblandingane vart samanlikna med reinbestand av strandsvingel (Kora og Swaj), engsvingel (Vestar), timotei (Grindstad og Liljeros) og bladfaks (Leif). Strandsvingel er aktuell som erstattar for engsvingel i frøblandingar m.a. på grunn av sjukdomsangrep i gjenveksten i engsvingel. Dei fireårige felta vart etablerte i 2017 og 2018 i Sør-Noreg, Trøndelag og i Nordland, frå havnivå til 720 m.o.h. Ved to slåttar gav timotei og bladfaks generelt høgre tørrstoffavling enn strandsvingel, men strandsvingel overvintra og produserte godt også under desse forholda. Ved tre slåttar og lengre vekstsesong gav strandsvingel høgre avling enn timotei, mykje på grunn av stor gjenvekstevne i strandsvingel og tilsvarande liten i timotei. Skilnadar i fôrkvalitet var i stor grad styrt av slåttetidspunktet, spesielt i førsteslåtten, og med små skilnader mellom dei testa artane og sortane. Resultata tilseier at det er relevant å byta ut engsvingel med strandsvingel i vanleg nytta frøblandingar, både på grunn av høgt avlingsnivå samanlikna med engsvingel, og at strandsvingel er varig under svært ulike dyrkingsforhold. Forsøksserien er gjennomført som del av Rettleiingsprøving.

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Negative environmental impacts of nitrogen (N) intensive diets have triggered global debates on sustainable nitrogen management. Solutions such as dietary transitions, cropland reallocation and N Regulatory Policy (NRP) have been proposed to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of N use in food production. However, there is still insufficient understanding of how NRPs could be designed to minimize negative environmental impact across diverse agro-ecological zones without sacrificing human dietary requirements. To increase this understanding, we evaluated the consequences of three NRP scenarios (low, moderate, and high N fertilizer rates) on the amount of livestock and non-livestock diet components as well as the associated N leaching and farmers' Gross Margin (GM) by optimizing the allocation of cropland between food and feed crops. We developed a bio-economic Interval Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming (bio-economic IFMOP) model for the Zayandeh-Rud river basin, Iran, and a procedure that accounts for annual average availability of calories per capita, calorie sources from livestock and non-livestock components of three dietary preferences, and inequality in calorie distribution. The interaction among soil, climate and weather variability and NRPs across nine sub-regions of the case study region was handled by crop yield simulation using the DSSAT software. The solution of farmers' GM, derived from the optimization problem across possibilities of water fluctuations, was assessed to determine the uncertainty in GM. We also introduced an N leaching per Block of Distributed Calories (BDC) criterion based on solutions of supplied calories and associated N leaching. The upper bound of the moderate NRP scenario resulted in the smallest N leaching per BDC. This corresponded to ∼0.34, ∼0.34, ∼3.77 and 19.00 million BDC of meat, dairy, wheat and potato, respectively. Also, the upper bound of this scenario satisfied the lowest instability in farmers’ GM against water fluctuation compared with low and high NRP scenarios. The affordable volume of N leaching per BDC varied across sub-regions between [1.53,3.49], [1.52,3.33], [0.76,0.99] and [0.05,0.08] kg for meat, dairy, wheat and potato, respectively. Our results highlighted both optimistic and pessimistic prospects of producing low N leaching diets. The approach of this study could also be applied to other regions and countries.

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Leys are an important part of northern European livestock production, particularly for ruminants since monogastric animals are limited in their ability to digest the fibres of the forage. Crop fractionation methods are a promising option to make forages more beneficial for monogastric animals and decrease the amount of imported protein feed. A leaf stripping harvesting technique was evaluated at Röbäcksdalen in northern Sweden in mixed grass-clover leys over 2 years. The PremAlfa Mini leaf stripper (Trust'ing-Alf'ing, Nantes, France) worked well in mixed stands, harvesting on average a third of the available forage biomass, primarily in the form of leaves and soft stems from the clover plants. It proved successful in producing a forage fraction that had a significantly higher crude protein (CP) concentration (+39.1%) and lower neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom) concentration (−21.4%) than the pre-harvest mixed sward (all significant at p < .05 level). Due to the remaining high level of aNDFom in the leaf stripper fraction, it is more suited for use as an energy source for monogastrics rather than as a protein supplement. Alternatively, the leaf stripper fraction could be used to increase digestibility and CP content in the feed rations of high producing dairy cows.

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The large-scale import of soybean products into the EU decreases the self-sufficiency of livestock production. The fractionation of grassland forage crops presents an opportunity to locally produce protein-rich feed for monogastrics. Two promising fractionation methods, twin-screw press juicing and leaf stripping, were evaluated in parallel in field experiments established in Norway and Sweden to compare the nutrient composition and yield of the resulting biorefined and residual fractions. The clearest delineation between the methods was in the ash-free neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom) concentration, with juicing producing a biorefined fraction with a lower aNDFom than leaf stripping. Variability in the allocation of crude protein (CP) and biomass to the biorefined fractions occurred in both methods between cuts and locations and is likely due to differing stand characteristics and inconsistency in machine functionality. Additional work is needed to understand how characteristics such as stand density, botanical composition, and plant phenological stage impact each fractionation method’s ability to allocate protein, fibre, and biomass into the resulting fractions. Future studies should focus particularly on determining standardised settings for leaf stripping machinery based on a range of stand characteristics to ensure consistency in the yield and nutrient composition of the resulting fractions.