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In this project plant and vegetation preferences of two Norwegian dairy cattle breeds with different selection history were studied. The Norwegian dairy breed Blacksided Trønder and Nordland Cattle (STN) has never been selected efficiently for higher milk production. The other breed, however, the Norwegian Red (NR), has mainly been selected for this. Two herds both consisting of STN and NR cows, were studied. To examine the animals\" plant preferences, faeces samples were collected and analysed for plant fragments. Vegetation maps were also used to find possible differences in grazing preferences. Breed differences with regard to recorded plant fragments in the faeces samples were significant for Nardus stricta, a species characteristic for nutrient poor but mostly species rich vegetation types in the studied areas, vegetation types of high importance for the biodiversity especially in one of the areas. STN had the highest share of Nardus stricta. Altogether the results of the study indicate that a higher producing cattle breed might prefer to graze more nutrient rich vegetation areas compared to a lower yielding cattle breed, when grazing less nutrient and base rich - but species rich grasslands.


Bevaring av stølsdrift som en levende driftsform forutsetter at man finner frem til lønnsomme driftsmetoder som også bør ivareta natur- og kulturverdiene i seterregionen. Dette prosjektet søker å finne svar på hva som er økonomisk og økologisk bærekraftig landbruk i fjellbygdene for produksjon av kvalitetsmat samt opprettholdelse av stølslandskapet.