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Dyrkingseigenskapar av 21 søtkirsebærsortar vart vurderte ved Bioforsk Ullensvang: Fylgjande søtkirsebærsortar har gode eigenskapar: Chelan, Giorgia, Samba, Techlovan og Van med modning i siste veka i juli og Lapins, Kordia, Regina og Sweetheart sist i sesongen. I tillegg er Stardust aktuell sort med ljos raud dekkfarge.


Due to a late harvesting season compared to that found in other European countries, the sweet cherry industry in Norway is now expanding, aiming for export markets. Cultivars producing high quality fruit that ripen late (late July and throughout August) and that are suitable to grow in high density production systems are sought. In addition, early ripening cultivars are sought for local marketing in early and middle July. Testing cultivars and advanced selections has been carried out at Ullensvang Research Centre since 1959. During the last 6 years, approximately 130 cultivars and advanced selections have been included in the testing program. Important parameters like fruit size, fruit firmness, low fruit cracking, high and precocious yield, fresh appearance and good flavour are evaluated. Based on the results from this testing program, the following cultivars are currently recommended: a) for early season: `Burlat", `Moreau" and `Merchant", b) for mid-season: `Giorgia", `Chelan", `Samba", `Techlovan" and `Van", c) for late season: `Lapins", `Kordia", `Regina" and `Sweetheart".


Some high density sweet cherry orchards in Norway suffer from decay of trees resulting in death or reduced vigour of trees. A survey has been conducted monitoring healthy and infected trees from several orchards. The nutritional statuses of the soil and in the trees were in general in accordance with general accommodation. Different species of root nematodes were identified with levels above the damage of thresholds. Neither insects, diseases, bacterials nor virus were registered as the main reason for this dieback. However, differences between cultivars and rootstocks sensitivity were observed. In order to investigate this cherry tree decay further, new field trials were established in 2001 with trees of the cultivars Van and Kristin grafted on the two rootstocks Prunus avium seedling and Colt and trained as a central leader trees. Two parallel trials were planted; one in the soil of on old cherry orchard and the other in the soil from agricultural land where no fruit production has been conducted in advance. During the first years significant larger annual vegetative growth measured as trunk cross sectional area and annual shoot growth were registered from the trees growing in the agricultural soil. In the replanted cherry soil, trees grafted on the rootstock Colt grew more vigorously than the seedling rootstock based on leaf areas and shoot growth measurements. The first significant crop is expected in 2005.


Det presenteres her resultater fra andre sesong i det fireårige prosjektet "Bedre potetkvalitet ved riktig vekstavslutning - Effekter av ulik risdreping og avmodning på avling, tørråte og kvalitet av poteter til ferskkonsum og fritering". Prosjektet er finansiert av Fondet for forskningsavgift på landbruksprodukter og med bidrag og støtte fra hele potetnæringen. Prosjektet undersøker betydningen av ulik vekstavslutning for kvalitet av poteter, spesielt modningsrelaterte egenskaper og tørråtesmitte. Her fokuseres det på årets resultater fra vekstavslutningens betydning for størrelsesfordeling, tørrstoff og flasseegenskaper. Forskjellene i avmodning, målt som friskt ris, tørrstoffinnhold og flassing, er relativt store mellom felt og mellom sorter. Vekstavslutning ser ut til å ha større betydning på avmodning enn det lysgroing har. Nedsviing 14 dager før høsting ga normalt en noe bedre skallfasthet enn høsting på "grønt" ris, men forskjellene var ikke store i disse forsøkene. Bruk av Torquemeter ser ut til å være en lovende og relativt objektiv og reproduserbar metode for å måle skallfasthet.